Hello everyone, I'm Chris. I just registered here on CZ, but have been lurking around some since last fall/winter.
Umm, where to begin? I will try to keep this as brief as I can :)
25 years old male, 181cm, 68-72kg (can't get any heavier, my dad is the same way. We can't get big :(! )
vata constition
As long as I can remember I've had issues with my stomach. At least since I was around 10 (not sure what happened around then). I remember being constipated, but not to the point where I felt ill or any discomfort. I just wasn't going every day.Also since around that time, I noticed having bowel movement whilst nervous "nervous stomach" as my doctor called it. This occured prior to leaving my household basically (doctors appointment, dentist, anything new basically. New experiences). This still occur to me today. But I remember my family being away on vacation, and we were going out to eat at a restaurant (or some activity of sort), and I remember sitting on the toilet for nearly an hour, just having that feeling wanting to pass something. But nothing ever came out. This is just one of a million of those feelings or "happenings". It was always my excuse before leaving for someone or something, still is today. I'm always the last person out the door. Even if I succeed to have a BM or not, I would sit in the car thinking about it, getting nervous "What if I have to go in the middle of the road, the car?". It always (99%) worked out well. Even though my stomach was making noises and perhaps felt pressure "down low" :)
vata disorder again
Anyway, my troubles escalated rather quickly about five years ago (11th of March 2011) where I just ended a few months antibiotics-period for my acne.
goodbye intestinal flora, hello liver damage.
I didn't have severe acne, I just wasn't satisfied with my face. This was my second round of antibiotics that year, even though my Doctor told me I couldn't do it more than once (a year?) I came back after my first three months not feeling satisfied, so he gave in (sigh...) and prescribed another 3 months or so on these antibiotic pills. Yeah, I shouldn't have done that, been so stubborn. It f**ked me up real good. At first I was just feeling bloated, more constipated than the usual, not feeling hungry, loss of apetite etc etc. These few symptoms were soon to be, as it feels like now, a few amongst my million symptoms haha. I will mention my symptoms in a bit.
all the wrong moves almost as if it is not by chance
I've done pretty much every test/examination there is at the doctor (except colonoscopy). This would be my last resort, as it sounds so unpleasant. After these visits to the doctors office over perhaps 6-12months. I finally gave up on the whole concept of medicin and what these doctors tried to prescribe to me, convince me what to do and not to do. (I had one doctor who diagnosed me with IBS and told me I had to live with it, but in the sentence before he told me "of course you will be able to live your life and travel all you want.") Where's the f**king irony in that? Haha.
I've tried every diet there is to try. Oh well, not every diet there is, but plenty. I even tried the famous Raw Food Diet that so many of "you" out there promote. I really wish to live by this diet some day, as it seems to do wonders for some people. I tried this for about 3-4 months a few years back and I felt worse than I do on my bad-days. I feel worse from eating a mango than I do from eating a pizza. And eating a pizza makes me wanna stab my stomach like a balloon to try and get the air out.
raw foods terrible for vata. pizza would be better except if you're gluten sensitive which is likely.
cooked sweet fruits are better.
I recently found a concept or illness, that one can be allergic to fructose. Perhaps that's what causing me to feel like shit when eating fruit? But I feel terrible even after eating food in general. Poor digestion? Tell me about it.
I signed up and visited a man here in Sweden who performs a 7-day Salt Water Flush with Juice Fasting. I think he's doing it "off the books", but still very cunning and informative. I think he got some sort of degree from a woman in Germany. He told me all different kind of success stories and I was sold. I was together with two older women this week, who had regular BM's during this week, whilst I was constipated (probably from the Bentonite Clay and other herbs we took in pill-form). He said he had never seen anything like this before. So I had to perform an enema to try and get some of it out. I managed to pass, what felt like two long stuffed condoms with black stuff in them. Like mucus or a snake! Anyway, I also felt bloated all the time while on this Juice Fast. This just wasn't for me. I felt maaaaaaybe a little better than I did visiting him. I tried an even more strict Raw Food Diet with juicing (like a diet he thrived on). I managed three maybe four days then I had to stop. No BM and I felt like shit. Back to square one once again. Sigh...
salt is likely to help but not in excess until you get things under control. keep doing enemas at your own pace, ditch the raw foods. add ghee, olive oil, coconut oil, salty oily well-cooke foods to diet. you'll see some lightbulbs go off when you look into vata constitution.
I am currently as we speak, on a 7-10 day parasite cleanse with the NOW FOODS tincture form. And I chose to give Juice Fasting another shot. I'm on day 2 and I feel like crap (I guess you do for the first few days). I haven't passed anything besides a small BM I had because I took 30ml of Castor Oil. What came out was mostly water and some some soft-like-soup. Still waiting for my silicone enema tips to arrive. When they do, I will most likely do an enema every evening.
enemas or colonics essential if you choose to juice fast. a few fatty steaks per week would be better.
I don't really exercise that much. I play floorball for 2h every Saturday and I try to take a walk every now and then. I feel the difference in my stomach if I have been moving during the day or not. I tend to sit by my computer a lot on my free time. Not as much as I used to in my youth, but still plenty.
I will try to contact a herbalist or a neuropat(?). But it's not that easy as I live in quite a small town, and our resources are quite limited. I really want to get examinated by somebody other than my doctor. Take tests that they won't do, if they're able to.
I've probably missed like a gazillion things to mention that is key to this thread, but I've never been one to write an essay :) I will gladly add and edit if I think of something else. Anyway, I will try and list my current symptoms and such, thanks for reading!;
•Bloating (more dpending what I eat, fruit, onions, dairy is what comes to mind)
worms, fungus, bacteria, constitution.
resulting from depletion/intestinal toxicity, adrenals probably down too.
•Brainfog (I tend to wear a cap at work and sometimes at home and INSTANTLY feel dizzy and "drunk/hangover" like. If I move my head from left to right or vice versa, it takes my brain like 0,5-1sec before it registers. It's like my brain is lagging :P
same as above
•Bad knees/wrists. Really hurts, weak body :)
•Constipation(3-5 BM's/week) And I NEVER feel empty after this.
diet, parasites/pathogens, depletion, liver/gallbladder
•Bad teeth? Always have cavaties n such
no sugar, citrus, or processed grains
as above
as above
•I'm tired all the time. Last couple of months I feel like I could not to my job properly.
not unexpected
•No energy. And by this I mean next to zero energy. Thats why I tend to spend most my free time at home.
•Stiff body, I can "crack" my back if I sit down for too long, sounds like it breaks in a thousand pieces.
vata stuff
•Stomach pain pretty much all the time. I think it's because of my bloating.
locate the pain... stomach or other area
•I feel "much" better after a BM, sometimes I feel like god if I have a legendary BM (happens once/twice a year)
•My sex drive is like, -100%. No desire at all.
•Depression (suicide thoughts every now and then). As recently as today... I also feel like there's no "cure" for me
•I always feel the need or urge to go to the toilet. It always feels like I can pass something. I'm never finished.
•I pee A LOT! Often and a lot. Sometimes I wonder where the pee comes from, as I havent been drinking much that day etc.
•I feel worse around 4-6PM (late afternoon). Around after dinner.
•Poor apetite. Sometimes I feel like throwing up just thinking about my lunch. I could really use some fruit right about now.
•"small" Headaches every day pretty much. Sometimes heavier.
•IBS (Diagnosing someone with IBS is as easy as saying that water is liquid. What a joke imo)
•EXTREME fatigue
•Stomach cramps every now and then (If I havent had a BM for a few days I get this urge to pass stool, and it feels like somebody is tweaking my intestines. It hurts like hell. I always get afraid at this point, wondering what the f*ck is going on with me.
•Mood swings. I'm 90% depressed and have a negative attitude of my time being awake. But at work I keep a happy face most of the time, but recently people have come up to me asking if I'm feeling all right. Telling me I look pale, sad, irritated. Biggest disappointment is that everytime I speak to my younger brother, I get very irritated and in a bad mood. It kills me. He looks up to me as a role model, and I keep shooting him down. But I always think about my problems that, rather me having them than him. I can't stand anything happening to him, even though I feel like crap :D
•Stress? I thrive under stress. I've always been a last minute person (due to my nervous stomach). I think I do my most effective work under stress. But I feel like shit afterwards haha. Good trade-off.
•I try to eat more fiber in my diet, but feel more bloated by it.
poor idea. if you must, have well cooked soluble fiber with fats.
I've probably forgotten half of my symptoms, and my story is probably a lot like others. But the success stories I've read is what keeps me going. Even though most of them haven't worked on me...yet. Thanks for your time and perhaps someone will give out a few great pointers to me. A long time dream is to move abroad and start a life. Preferably an english speaking country. But now I can barely go to the supermarket before feeling discomfort. After all the searching and failure I've experienced, I'm starting to think this whole thing is a big lie, medical treatment or alternative medicine. Nothing has worked (yet), and I really want to believe in the alternative way of curing diseases. But rather sooner than later I will probably be one of the haters :P
here is your new diet:
ginger in all forms
all spices except cayenne or hot pepper.
fatty red meat to put on weight
or chicken/duck or whatever protein works
no beans ever, no corn, no dry meats, no salads or raw veggies.
lots of salt
licorice tea
boiled milk if tolerated
cooked cheeses if tolerated
nothing fermented, no yeast, 4 hour home made yogurt ok.
lots of ghee and butter
herbal/prescription parasite cleansing as you can handle
saline or coffee enemas as is comfortable
magnesium glycinate 4x per day
lemonade with sugar and salt through straw - if it doesn't bother teeth and stomach
triphala 1-2x per day empty stomach
learn how to cook indian food
all grains well cooked, no dry grain
ripe papayas in large quantity
fennel tea
oil massage
egg yolks/eggs/ soft boiled poached might be good in quantity.
saturated fats from grass fed animals/or just saturated fat is a good bet
stay away from doctors and dentists, how many amalgams do you have?
when you get stronger the forum inhabitants can help with aggressive parasite cleansing.