Apparently 98% of Americans have Candida bro. You're not alone. It's the overgrowth that causes problems. When it becomes to multiply and grow out of control. The main symptoms are what you described. The main culprits are if you are sure you don't eat enough yogurt, drink kefir or take probiotics. Eating processed and packaged food only adds to the problems.
You can start by getting some Candida Cleanses off Amazon which include the trinity of bacteria fighting herbs. These include:
Capyrlic Acid
Cloves are always helpful, Reishi and Shiitaki mushrooms also help. If you find anything that has a mixture of these, it will definitely be a start.
I would also start taking probiotics, anything in the 50-100 BILLION range. Make sure that the coating is something that will make it past the stomach wall. It will say if it is a special release.
Lastly, fighting candida or any bacterial overgrowth is a painstaking and long process. Your diet has to be modified, which includes not eating carbohydrates such as pasta, potatos etc.
Sugar is also very important. I've heard some people say ZERO pizza but I told them to F.. off because I could eat that stuff every day for the rest of my life (just different toppings ya feel).
Anyway bro, good luck. And remember, health cannot be bought, it is something you work on. The world tries to make it worse for you but you gotta think about making it positive.
Good luck