I did not do zapping. There were times and certain worms that went in places I wanted to keep they away, but had no control.
I did my protocol, I read everyone elses, tried many, did my own from what worked.
I had liver flukes, skitzos, and
Ascaris (ascarid?)
I had plenty of bad experiences, from the farma, and from the worms, and from my body giving out.
The trick is to know your formula, know what each thing does, see them working together, get a plan, follow a plan, when things do not work as you expect try a variation, have a support network.
I had SIBO, SIVO, SIYO, vomited for weeks on a single dose of pinx, was so infested by the time I figured out what I had.
I took one dose of IVM and I knew what everyone had missed.
I had just enough chemistry, and knowledge of vitamins to be dangerous. When nothing worked I pulled out all the stops. Eventually I went wild, trying everything, every dose, long nights researching and taking notes. Finally I got it.
DEC, IVM, PPZ, ALB, Alinia, PZQ are all required, in the right level, right dose, right time.
Even more astounding to me was that none of the pharma worked, unless you took natural balance products, minerals, metals, amino algae, and body loop chemistry stabilizers to counteract the nitrogen issues
parasites give the body.
It can be done, but it requires you really know your body, dosing, combinations, organs, signs, colors, smells, pains, etc.
The final keys were understanding the high dosing level, and the combination dosing to keep safe.
I found that like the studies say, combining praziquantel and albendazole keeps the safety of albendazole, and makes it more effective at a lower level.
I still do not know the right mix. But know where the maximum levels are.
I expect to be out of the clouds and back to 20:20 shortly. The path back is just as interesting as the path to hell. only thing is the scenery is better.