Hives are itchy spots all about the skin, right?
The tiny flecks can be
parasites that are being dislodged from body tissues further away from the intestines, flushed out in the lymphatic system, and eliminate via the bile ducts of the liver, into your intestines. Have you added yet the psyllium and
Bentonite ingredients into your regimen?
Bentonite is powdered volcanic ash, or zeolite. Psyllium is powdered seed husks, together they bind the remaining
parasites and get the bowel very clean. The zeolite has a very craggy microscopy surface, and has the ability to bind with
parasite eggs and dead material.
When it is drunk for several weeks, the lining of the intestines changes itself out, and one poops clay ropes, with the worms bound in it.
Usually the intestines are encouraged to move with liquorice tea, mallow tea, and the liver supported through the process with Burdock, dandelion tea, milk thisle, and those kinds of blood cleansers.
The thick twisty white rope worms you see can be Candida-based colonial mucous, passed from your intestinal track, which were flooding your system with overloads of imbalanced digested toxins, contributing to the problems you had. If you research mucosal plaque/ biofilms/FODMAPS (all terms for the same thing) you will learn more.
Keep up what you are doing, add digestive enzymes and read up on how to use them.
The hives can be because you have the release of homocysteine from the dieoff of so many parasitics, and the liver has more homocysteine than it can break down all at once.
Juice organic beetroots for a rich sweet red drink, and drink .5 liter 2x a day, it contains folate, many antioxidants, minerals, and especially Trimethylglycene, all of which helps reduce levels in the blood. To further reduce the hives, walk, sweaty, and take gentle cold showers with the water over your liver area- start warm, switch the water slowly to cold, back to warm, back to cold- especially after you have been sweating on purpose. Getting the toxins out via your sweat on purpose will reduce the load that your liver will otherwise have to work on.