Hello, I've had peeling lips my whole life. I followed a diet a few years ago to get rid of it. It came back after stopping the diet. Anyway, the peeling lips wasn't really a problem for me. I would just exfoliate them before going outside. Surely, the crust would grow back in a few days. I'd just exfoliate again. No problem really. Just mentioning this to let you know that in my case, it was a vitamin deficiency issue.
Anyway, I recently went on an
Antibiotic called Clindamycin for an unrelated issue. I noticed that the cheilitis skin on my lips was getting thinner and thinner after using this med. I'd exfoliate the skin and it would NO LONGER GROW BACK.
This seems like it would be a good thing, but like I said before, my skin always regenerated any dead skin I'd take off- and for good reason. Your lips need a layer on them for protection (although EC sufferers experience more layers I guess).
Now the skin that would normally be underneath the crusting itself is cracking. I can see into my lip tissue. It's disgusting and won't heal. My lips started doing this the day I started the medication. I stopped using the med 2 days ago and still have this prob.