Hi guys, I had hypertrophic scar for 5 years on my nose from cystic pimple. I had microdmermabrasion done 3 years ago, which improved my scar a little bit, bit also created another scar. That is not important though.
Month and week ago I started massaging hypertrophic scar on nose (near tip) with castor oil, which made scar both worse and better. Since it made it worse as well, I decided to use qtip to massage the oil and keep it within boundaries of scar.
That was a mistake. Scar became swollen, more raised, wider, scab formed on half of it. Scab fell off after few days.
Anyways, during last month, since this happened, scar has been widening and raising even more, and went beyond boundaries of damage that was done.
This is extremely alarming!! This can lead to disfigurement :(.
I am caucasian, we do not have keloids in our family at all. Just me and my brother few hypertrophic scars, but that is it. Keloids are incredibly rare on central part of face.
Please, help :(, is there any protocol, treatments, etc. to get rid of it? I see changes every 8-12 hours :((. I am only 23 year old, have life ahead of me, and I am incredibly afraid :(. I am losing my sanity here :(.
Thank you.