rawkitchen - The "Raw Kitchen" series, hosted by Mike Blongiewicz, brings you along for a Mediterranean Voyage!
Mike prepares fresh hummus without using the typical "roasted" garbanzo beans. Since becoming a 100% raw vegan almost 5 years ago, Mike has not consumed conventional Hummus.
After finding out that all of the hummus that you see in grocery stores is "cooked" or "roasted," Mike was determined to make a recipe which maintains the "raw" integrity and still has the enzymes intact.
Finally, after 5 years of not having hummus, Mike gets to enjoy one of his favorite dishes again and wants other raw-food enthusiasts to have the same experience!
Chef Tina Jo is a highly respected Gourmet Raw Vegan Chef, Author, Speaker and Coach known internationally for her humor and down–to–earth approach to raw veganism. She, along with her TV show Splendor in the Raw, was awarded Top 10 Best Show, Best Chef and Best Website in the Best of Raw 2009 Awards. She has made it her life’s mission to bring super delicious, fresh, simple, fun, affordable raw vegan food to the mainstream. Through her books, DVDs, and programs, Chef Tina Jo is teaching Americans how to make healthy lifestyles DELICIOUS, bringing live whole foods back to the dinner table one dinner plate at a time. Learn more at www.cheftinajo.com.
About Chef Tina Jo:
Chocolate Peppermint Shake
http://www.therenegadehealthshow.com - Last night was longer than expected...
We stopped at a rest area and there was no place to park!
We knew we could make it 59 miles to the next one, but needed a little pick-me-up.
Here's what Ann made...
Today Angela makes a Raw Food Yumpot dessert for the first time on camera!
Raw Summer Cucumber and Avocado Soup
with Frank Giglio
http://www.therenegadehealthshow.com - We're in Orinda, CA and have a special guest on today's show...
Since it's chilly in the Northeast, it's time to think soup. When it comes to soup, you always can warm it up if you need something warming!
http://www.therenegadehealt... - Annmarie makes a raw food recipe straight out of The Raw Food Challenge ebook! This recipe for creamy tomato basil soup will "wow" your friends AND fill them up.
http://www.therenegadehealthshow.com In Mexico again! Today, we corralled Angela Stokes from downstairs to make us energy soup. This raw food recipe is so easy, you'll wonder why you've never made it.
(NaturalNews) With all the dangers associated with thermogenic stimulants, it's no wonder a growing number of people shy away from them. This leaves us to wonder if there is a way to boost the metabolism naturally without resorting to popping pills full of chemicals and caffeine. The secret to a healthy metabolism and a wealth of energy is no fad stimulant: it's pure extra virgin coconut oil.
Coconut oil primarily consists of medium-chain fatty acids. These triglycerides can speed up the metabolism because they are so easily digested and converted into energy. Long-chain fatty acids, like those in polyunsaturated oils, are more difficult for the body to break down and use for energy. Instead, long-chain fatty acids are usually stored as fat in the body.Several scientific studies have exhibited these principles.
One study examined the effect of medium-chain fatty acids on metabolism. Participants' metabolism was evaluated before and after a meal rich in these fats. On average, metabolism increased by 48 percent. In obese individuals, the increase was as high as an astounding 65 percent. Studies have shown this thermogenic effect can last for 24 hours.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that medium-chain fatty acids were three times more effective at raising the metabolism than long-chain fatty acids. Researchers concluded that replacing long-chain fatty acids with medium-chain fatty acids was an effective method for weight loss. Another study from the same journal showed that eating medium-chain fatty acids increases metabolism and also helps burn off stored fat.
Coconut oil can support a healthy weight in other ways as well:
- Coconut oil slows down the digestion of food, which helps you feel fuller after a meal. Many people notice that after adding coconut oil to their diet, they are less prone to snacking.
- Because it slows digestion, coconut oil also helps prevent blood Sugar fluctuations after a meal by slowing the rate carbohydrates are broken down into blood glucose.
- The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil destroy candida, a condition of yeast overgrowth in the body which triggers symptoms of weight gain, carbohydrate cravings, fatigue and many others. Eliminating candida is an important part of achieving permanent weight loss.
- Coconut oil is excellent for detoxification. It cleanses the body of many infirmities, balances the digestive tract and nourishes all cells in the body. These benefits restore your health and pave the way for natural weight loss.
Tips for Using Coconut Oil to Increase Metabolism:
- Start small. If you've never taken coconut oil before, start with one teaspoon a day and slowly work up to 3-6 tablespoons per day. This will help your body adjust to the beneficial effects of coconut oil.
- The kind of coconut oil you choose is very important. Organic, unrefined extra virgin coconut oil is the best choice since it preserves all the natural goodness of the oil.
For More Information:
Fife. Bruce. Coconut Cures. (2004) Published by Piccadilly Books.
About the author
Elizabeth Walling is a freelance writer, specializing in articles about health and family nutrition. She is a strong believer in natural living as a way to improve health and prevent common illnesses.
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Coconut Oil Can Promote Weight Loss by Increasing Metabolism Naturally
A little while back, someone asked me the following interesting question about releasing excess weight and I thought some of you might be interested in reading the answer here - enjoy ;)
Q: You released around 160lbs of excess weight with a raw lifestyle. Can you share with us the five steps you consider were the most important towards your successful weight loss?
A: Mmmm, great question ;) I would sum up the five most important steps in my own weight loss journey as the following:
i. Realisation - for me (as with many 'addicts') it took hitting rock bottom in terms of my health and well-being, before I realised I couldn't go on like I was. I used to eat countless thousands of calories a day - mainly junk foods - and I was destroying myself. It took a diabetes scare at the age of 21 to help me realise I could benefit from changing my habits ;)
ii. Willingness to Change - once I had realised and acknowledged what I was doing, I became WILLING to make different choices, to get different results.
iii. Raw Foods - I was introduced to the concept of eating raw foods, straight from nature, just like all other animals do - and it TOTALLY resonated for me as truth - I decided to start the very next day.
iv. Persistance - once I was on the raw food path, I could easily feel it was the best thing for my healing, yet many around me were not very supportive of what I was doing. I persisted, despite their comments and jokes, as I felt this was best for me. Once others around me began to see my weight loss and happiness, they let go and let me get on with my choices more easily ;)
v. Maintenance - it took about two years for me to release the 160lbs/70kg of excess weight and since then, my weight has been more or less the same, for over six years now. MOST people on the other hand, who lose weight, re-gain it again. I feel that this is a HUGE advantage of being a raw foodist; this is the natural way for the body to be fed, so the body takes care of itself optimally, with the best nutrition. It is not challenging to maintain this level of health now and I feel very blessed :)
Can you identify yourself anywhere in this patterning?
All best wishes to all of your personal journeys... :)