>- lot of people find that electrical charges from the zapper to be extraordinarily unpleasant.
You are one of 3 that I know of out of thousands. That is not a lot. Also, a lot depends on the zapper and the frequency. I would expect that if it was really that bad, we would get a lot of returns. We don't.
>- So what good are they to me?
That is a question that you have to answer for yourself, as does everyone.
>- I mean if they work for you or another person that's absolutely fantastic.
Well, if it was only a few, I would not be in this business. Truth is that we sell a good number of these. We have to, because we do not make much money on a single unit.
>- Also, I think there are some things that zappers work great for and some things they don't work at all for.
Yes, agreed. But at the same time, there is a tremendous difference between zappers.
>- Almost nobody I know with chronic Lyme disease has been cured with the zapper
Could this be because the 555 based zappers are not accurate, so that only 1 or 2 out of 100 would actually provide the right frequency?
>- Same goes for parasites.
Yes, the same goes for parasites... As I have been saying for a long time. Having an accurate frequency output of the right frequency is critical when it comes to killing certain organisms.
>- So if the zapper works for you great. But it doesn't work for a lot of people
Again, could it be that a lot of people are buying the wrong zapper? Do not expect a 555 timer based zapper to do much more than stop colds or flu except if you are lucky enough to get just the right one.
As an example, when we were selling zappers for use on humans ( pre 2006 ) and we surveyed our customers, 100 percent of the respondents who had
Ascaris reported better than 50 percent improvement. I realize that it was a small number, and I also realize that there have been posters on this forum who did not have good results, but most of those posters did not use ParaZapper CCa or better, with copper paddles and Footpads in the Augmentation mode.
I am sorry for those who end up disappointed because they chose a cheaper product or one that may have been expensive but not actually a good zapper.
I guess that they feel that by buying cheap, they saved money, but in reality, if it does not work, that is not good logic.
There is a tremendous difference between a zapper and a ParaZapper CC2 or a ParaZapper UZI-3, or a ParaZapper MY ( which is as accurate as most of the best Rife machines ).
If all you want is something cheap to play with, go look on EBay or Amazon. If you want a serious tool, there is a better place to go and buy from.