WOW! Seems like such a long time ago I started this thread.
I've come a long way in a short time, and have managed to improve my health to a level I haven't experienced in the last 5 years.
After countless hours of educating myself on the subject I've managed to eventually understand what was necessary for a steady recovery, following an oligoscan I had done I played with different foods and supplements until I eventually got it right.
I wasn't getting all the benefits I had read about, from
Iodine and it wasn't until I understood the co-dependence of all the essential vitamins and minerals that I was deficient in was I able to start the process of recovery.
From having moments of depression, and being unable to make it through a full day without needing to nap I'm back to being awake all day fully conscious and alert (absolutely no brain fog.
I've healed chronic bouts of eczema and varicose veins, reversed my hemochromatosis and doubled my testosterone in the process.
The best part is as each month passes I feel better and better and aspects of my body keep improving physically and psychologically. I've created a website with some free information regarding nutrition, sport, and general health. I've added sections where I share my personal experiences but if you're interested in more Please don't hesitate to ask.