LOL!!!!! Dan the Melancholy sells multiple books, a ton of DVDs $27-$97, multiple expensive juicers $98-$529, multiple expensive blenders $83-$498, expensive food processors $100-$277, jars & lids, exercise equipment $68-$333, supplements ranging from $16-$117, such as protein powders, enzymes, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, sales aids, whole foods, creams, herbal formulas, pet probiotics, also supplement distributor licenses, and $10 a month to join his private forum.
Harley and Freelee have a free forum, sell one book (which is basically just a collection of all of Freelee's blog posts that is free to access), one cheap phone app, and some cute t-shirts, shorts, hats, and bumper stickers to help spread their message. All their information and advice they give away for free. I don't see where they sell consultations.
Dan always looks depressed, un-enthused, under-carbed, and non-passionate on his videos and always complains that he needs to detox (I guess all his expensive juicers, supplements, and creams aren't working).
Harley and Feelee always look happy, energetic, enthused, passionate, bubbly and never talk about the need to detox (looks like all that fruit worked!).
Calorie-skimpers seem to love Dan The Under-caloried.
Calorie-skimpers seem to hate Harley and Freelee.
I'll take Harley and Freelee any day of the week.
Anyways, this is not the debate section, so go start another immature thread over there if you have nothing supportive and positive to say.