Maybe a second opinion is in order.
My dentist sounded the alarm when my gums registered 4's, and 5's. IF you go on a yearly basis 7's and 8's, would seem to be to much for 1 year later. If you don't go regurlarly then it might be possible.,
You didn't mention what treatment he proposed. Maybe laser?
I use Colloidal Silver for everything, and I would try that first. Just hold a mouth full that touch the gums for as long as you can. Do that multiple times of the day. It's said to kill over 650 different types of bacteria, and viruses. The only problem would be to get it far enough down inside the gum. It would be worth a try. You could also get one of those devices that look like a syringe that dentist some times give to flush out a socket that has just had a tooth removed. Instead of a needle it has a tube that is bent downward to angle towards a tooth.
Having your own CS generator would be the best, but it would only cost $200 to $300 instead of thousands.
Having said all that, the downside can be heart problems, so one way or another you should do whatever it takes.
Best of luck
Actually the hydrofloss machine would be excellent for the CS, and I don't see why you couldn't attack the problem with both the CS and the B3 which I assume you take internally. If not, you could do them alternately. Nothing kills bacteria like CS.
A double whammy so to speak.