dear one,
my heart goes out to you because of your little one.
you are not alone. My college student son and I have been fighting this since may 2013.
I have the same symptoms as you.
the coconut oil masks on the hair really help. saran wrap or plastic shower cap will keep from ruining your pillows and increases efficacy. smothers the mites over night.
I do this every few days. I notice if I go a whole week, the itching becomes unbearable.
you can massage the coconut oil in your eyebrows and just above eyelids just before bed if those areas are affected as well.
additives borax or from the site I include.
sprays. I have small spray bottles with alcohol to spray small bites when I get them. usually on ankles or back of neck/shoulders.
or buy the cedar oil spray from site listed. really works. I alternate it with daily alcohol for small bites. alcohol on my tile floors.
keep all the clothes you're not wearing for the week wrapped up in plastic bags. always. put plastic covers or allergy covers on all mattresses / pillows. I got an airbed out of desperation to stop itching.
buy a steamer -hot steam kills them.
hot dryer.
put clothes in a bag freezer over night before washing if you can.
extreme heat and extreme cold kills them.
ivermectin works. prepare the above first so you don't waste your money
peremethrin works. but toxic and very expensive.
my studies show me that woman - especially middle aged/ older or women with immune challenges get the heaviest blowback. studies show women with type O+ blood are bitten the most by this vile bug.
ugh. hope you and your little one are better.
I'm fighting our second outbreak.
our neighbors got it first (dog mites). then us then an elderly guy who lived next to them got it -showed me his bites on back of neck. (where I get them too)
He died of a heartattack a few months sad. I researched the connection. there is one with mites and weakening of the heart. ran the story by my dermatoligist (first time I"ve had a dermatoligist) and he said there's a connection.
let me know if you're better. you and yours are in my prayers.
be strong.