I hope that you can find a cure soon. Now, I am not saying we shouldn't be killing
parasites directly; of course that goes without saying. However, please remember that your
parasites are constantly munching on much of the food that you take in. So, maybe you need - in addition to direct killing of the buggers - to improve digestion. A good place to start might be to maintain normal stomach acid, according to Adelle Davis (see next para).
Adelle Davis in her book Let's Get Well (so what if it's older; she's correct 99% of the time) that infections by ameba, worms & other intestinal parasites, are basically a side effect of poor nutrition. Indeed, she says, "If a deficient diet is not improved and the
parasites are killed by medication, reinfestation quickly occurs, but they gradually die out when the diet is made highly nutritious".
One particularly important nutrient is Vitamin A. So, if you have no objections to it, maybe some liver from naturally raised animals might be a good source; or cod liver oil; and/or a true vitamin A (not beta carotene) supplement derived from fish. Adelle D. also specifically mentions that deficiency of protein and vitamins B-1, B-2, biotin, and folic acid is implicated. I would take a high quality Vit. B supplement.
Best to you. It's not enough to just kill-kill-kill. This must be accompanied by excellent nourishment.