was grown in some of my swabs taken back at hospital. they clearly have said that this is a secondary infection and is not the underlyeing cause of my lips biopsy. they said if the crust remains the bacteria thrive and grow off that. thats why they have asked me to not let the crusts build up.
i dont really understand wtf this means becasue alot of my swabs and biospy's have grown in these test. but iv treated my lips both with plety of anti-bacterial and anti-biotics for several months. thats why i would agree with them in saying it is secondary.
anywyas just thought i would let you guys know
and also one of my auto-immune disease test came back "weakly positive" the letter said that they didnt believe that this was the casue as in other test they did it came back negative so i dont know wtf that means either. im going to see my physian to give him a big PLEASE f***INIGNG EXPLAIN! hahaha
and also my biopsy result showed a very unusual large amount of blood vessels whihc shouldnt normally be there!
anyways guys im currently putting evening promise oil on my lips i bought some cocoa butter lip balm today just the aplmer brand with sp15 i might try a combo with that for a few days. until my elovera comes in! i go back to work in 4 days so im beging to get nervous as hell!!!!!!!!
anyways guys have a great night or mornign or what ever the f***kk it is were you live and try to not fufkcicncingiggggg think about your lips for a bit of a day! go out and take your loved one in the park and soak up the sun or pump some weights and take your anger out on your body! works a treat!
as ec came out of no where i believe it can leave out of no where!