I believe your best course of action is to seek out the opinion of a professionally qualified fasting supervisor, but this will depend on which Country you live in. A Clinical evaluation of your health status would be in your own interests rather than advice via the internet.
However, there are quite a number of permutations with the set of symptoms you have given us so difficult to offer any concrete advice, but these are my thoughts on the matter........
Cortisol will actually suppress your adrenal glands' own production of cortisol, and takes over the job completely, which in turn will shut down your adrenal glands affecting the production of your other hormones; this will also weaken your immune system. Taking cortisol should also be only a temporary measure. Long-term shut-down of the adrenal glands may actually prevent your adrenal glands from ever being able to function on their own again.
I would like to know the exact reasons as to why it was prescribed in the first place other than adrenal insufficiency? or was this the only reason? There are others.
After taking cortisol for some time, it will be necessary to taper-off gradually, and give the adrenals time to ease back into production again.
Shelton had this to say about glandular dysfunction.....
"The knowledge that the glands undergo more or less complete regeneration when proper nutrition is again supplied them is especially important. --- Uncooked fruits and vegetables are the gland "remedies" par excellence. These contain the complettins and minerals so necessary to regeneration."
Affections of the adrenals are not in isolation of the other ductless glands, or any other organs of the body, as they should all act in unison or achieve equilibrium or homeostasis.
From what you have described it seems that Addison's Disease is the nearest prognosis I can come up with, and where the symptom-complex is described as follows.............
"A rare symptom-complex "due to inadequacy of the adrenal glands," and characterized by extreme muscular weakness, weakness of the heart and blood vessels, bronzing of the skin and mucous membranes, and irritability of the gastro-intestinal tract".
The solution according to
Shelton is.............
"The first thing to be done in all cases is to relieve the body of its toxic overload and restore nerve energy through fasting and rest. All enervating practices must be discontinued and a general program of health building carried out. Proper feeding will always include abundant quantities of fresh fruits and green vegetables. Meat and eggs should be abstained from.
The hypofunctioning of the adrenal glands is not due to a lack of their secretions and no cure can be reasonably hoped for from the use of adrenal extracts".
But the above is just my opinion and not necessarily an accurate prognosis; therefore, the need for hands-on professional care is to be recommended.
My other thoughts from what you have described.........
True hypoglycemia is associated with diabetes (diabetes mellitus), so have you been diagnosed with this condition.?
Low energy/weakness also means the possibility that the glucose from your meals is not entering your body cells as it should because of insufficient insulin from your pancreas. Insulin, in turn, unlocks your cells so that glucose can enter and provide the fuel your cells need to function properly. Any extra glucose is stored in your liver and muscles in the form of glycogen and so any shortfall in blood-glucose is replaced from these organs whilst abstaining from food for short periods of time and before ketosis sets in.
I strongly doubt your muscle-wasting is actually taking place, because the body initiates something known as "protein-sparing" during Autolysis/ketosis: a 30 day
Water Fast will only consume 1 to 3
pounds of muscle mass. If Autolysis didn't take place, then we would begin to consume our protein reserves from the outset of a fast, and the body would feed on our internal organs. Death would then ensue within days.
Your body weight is not contraindicated to a lengthy fast, but you would ideally be best served by professional supervision because of the complexity of your health problems.
Sorry I cannot be of any more help than this, but I think that is by far your best course of action.