While you decide which foods offend you, be sure to reach your daily water and fiber requirements. Remember, 30g of fiber is where you want to be. You have long intestines. The food you eat needs to be pushed approximately 25 feet. If you aren't getting close to 30g of fiber per day this will cause diarrhea, bloating, yucky feelings. You will attribute this to the food you are eating when in fact all that could be happening is the food is decomposing and bacteria is having a jolly old feast turning your life into a frenzy.
You will clean your diet out to the bare minimums and you will feel a tad bit better but you will still not be eliminating properly and you definitely won't be following a balanced diet.
This is a daily habit you need to get into. Count up your fiber intake and I can almost guarantee most of you will see that you're coming up terribly short.
When you begin increasing your fiber, start slow. If you experience bloating, remember why it's happening. The Fiber! Stick to it for a week or two and things will get better. Make sure you are drinking enough water.
What helps achieve the recommended amount is Psyllium. 1 tablespoon offers roughly 15% of your daily requirement. 1 tablespoon in the morning and 1 at night gets you up to 30% which is a great help. You can rely on food for the rest, or take 3 tablespoons daily. 45% taken care of! Flaxmeal also can help greatly but I mostly stick to Psyllium. Always mix the psyllium with atleast a cup of water and down it quickly. Then immedicately follow with another glass of water.
Fiber in, BULK OUT
Aim for atleast 2 bowel movements a day for top health.
Form those stools and feel better!
More tips to come....