I don't know how the Beck protocol can help colitis. I tried zapping and maybe it helped a bit but I don't believe that stuff helps long term.
Three things I believe helped me the most. Diet, herbal medicine and Qigong. Specifically tranquil or static qigong, or meditation in other words. Take a look at this guys blog. He cured himself with meditation. His ebook is a great read too.
Chinese herbs are the best herbal treatment I know of. They will make the diet work a lot faster, but persistance with the right diet can do it too. Read this article carefully. The herbs are not difficult to find and are very safe
Patrinia may work well just on it's own for symptoms but best to add atractylus and codonopsis at least because they strengthen digestion and treat the root cause, which in TCM is weak digestive function of the spleen/pancreas and it's meridian. All the herbs have a purpose of course.
You see there are many successful drug free options for dealing with UC. What you need is persistence. These methods can work whether there is dysbiosis or whether it's due to stress or both. probiotics can be of some help too.
Chinese medicine regards a major cause of UC as mental overactivity. ie too much studying worrying etc as well as inappropriate diet. That's why calming your mind helps and putting your mind back in your body to strengthen it is the essence of qigong. A bug can just trigger UC off when the conditions are right, ie a weak system