Hi nicoleeann,
A salt water flush will empty and clean out your small intestines, You need to make sure that you are not constipated and that your large intestines are moving. 1 quart of water with 2 teaspoons of salt on an empty stomach.
“I occasionally will do the coffee enema but it does have a tendency to cause hypersensitivity” How much coffee solution in the enema? Keep it to 1 to 2 cups no more and lie on your left side.
What is a “csd diet”?
Hi nicoleeann,
Besides gluten, I am also very allergic to MSG (mono sodium glutamate) and to alcohol. 1/4 glass of red wine will send me to the hospital.
Drinking miso soup (I get vegan miso, made in Hawaii) with wakame sea weed and brown rice noodles to sooth my small intestines. I have also found SeaVive made by Proper Nutrition, Inc. Reading, PA 19612 quite helpful.
Don’t take the P & B shakes for too long. They are rough on your small intestine.
I hope the above helps.