And I clearly said Sun DAMAGE causes wrinkles. Not incidental exposure. Like Hanna said, SUN BURN is the problem. Sun burn is a real burn, just ask anyone who had to go the hospital for a second degree sunburn. It's not about the body releasing toxins. It is real burn caused by the UV radiation and it causes real skin damage. People who bake themselves for hours and hours and getting burned or extremely dark tans are indeed damaging their skin.
Perhaps I didn't choose my words wisely. "Sensible sun exposure" would've been a better choice of words than "sun avoidance." The person who posted about spending 20-30 minutes in the sun is practicing sensible sun exposure.
BTW the sun prevents
Depression because it increases levels of serotonin, not because it provides minerals. Minerals are in the ground and we get them from our diet from the food we eat which is grown in the ground. Sunlight also helps synthesize Vitamin D, but again vitamin D is not a mineral.
I have issues of National Geographic with photos of plenty of indigenous people with wrinkles. Why do you think the upper class in the old days carried parasols and avoided the sun? Because they didn't want to look wrinkled like the lower, working class, who spent their days in the sun. It wasn't until sun exposure became evidence of leisure time, that tanning became so popular. All the time I see people here in AZ with wrinkled faces and hands, but smooth, wrinkle free legs. Why? Because their faces were exposed to the strong sun here daily, while their legs were not. To answer the question about Pilipinos, they have more melanin in their skin to protect themselves. But people of Anglo-Saxon decent do not, and their original home didn't have a high UV exposure. Those people definitely shouldn't be baking themselves out on the beach. Also, Pilipinos, like most other Asians, value light skin and consider a sign of beauty. They do not spend hours baking themselves in the sun.
I find it funny everyone posted about diet, since I clearly stated a diet rich in antioxidants helps prevent UV damage. Big pharma has even created a pill loaded with antioxidants to prevent sun damage. it's called Heliocare. It has been clinically proven to raise the MED, which in layman’s terms is the minimum amount of time one can spend in the sun and not get burnt. A good diet can indeed prevent some wrinkling, but it unrealistic to expect it to keep you completely wrinkle free.
Not all sunscreens are dangerous. As another posted, there are organic sunscreens. Zinc Oxide and Titanium dioxide are inert minerals that are not systemically absorbed by the skin. A sunscreen with just one or both of these ingredients and no other sunscreen filters is very safe. If you are prone to burning, and will be out for an extended period of time, you should wear one.