It shouldn't -- not as much as liver flukes do, anyway.
If you go back and read through ICU's whole fluke protocol, the first message in this thread, you'll see that he says to take a break after 2 weeks of albenzadole because that is getting to the edge of how long it's safe to take that continuously.
Prazi is a very very safe drug, from what I have read. Assuming you follow the directions. Even when it's given to parasite-infested, malnourished-from-birth third-world children and old people, I've never read of any side effects besides a little gastrointestinal upset and lethargy, and some researchers have made a convincing case that that is die-off, not actually the drug per se. One paper noted there's never been a reported incident of side effects from praziquantel serious enough to require medical intervention. Which is impressive considering it's given en masse to people sickly to begin with. (In another study, I noticed, the placebo group had slightly more side effects than the ones actually given praziquantel.)
Albendazole seems to have more toxic effects if taken for more than two weeks (at recommended dosage) without the rest break for the liver.
I am not a doctor, though, nor play one on TV. I would heartily recommend asking one, except for the difficulty we all seem to have in finding a doctor to ask. Hence my own reliance on papers published by the public-health research community, which knows far more about
parasites but is not legally allowed to practice medicine without that M.D., at least not here in the U.S. (And how the AMA keeps up that monopoly is a superb question. Why DO we need permission slips from incompetent doctors who can't figure out we need them, to buy FDA-approved, safe and effective medications? When we have no choice but to diagnose ourselves because doctors can't, but it is not really that hard, assuming motivation and a willingness to look at and listen to the evidence and some really basic research skills, so we can? But that is an aside.)
All I can say is I feel much the better for killing my liver flukes off. And my gallbladder, at least, was demonstrably damaged by them -- they could see that much in the hospital -- and so was my liver, given how much edema I had that is disappearing with amazing rapidity. So killing the liver flukes with prazi and tricla has done my hepatic system a world of good.
But I am not qualified to say what it will do for you. These treatments should really be undertaken undera doctor's supervision. Pity there are no doctors up to the task except in Asia, apparently.