You had a 'quick' question about your diet...
I don't think there is a 'quick' or 'easy' answer.
I have some informational links below that should be of help with your research to find answers in developing a healthy food program that works for you.
Knowledge is where your answers will be found. If you take some time to research and get educated, you will soon be on the road to health.
[FAQ] Working Candida/Fungal Infections: Working File Thread
[FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Colon: Working File Thread //
IF#1 is excellent for beginning to combat candida and other unwelcome microbiota (and of course, strengthen the muscles of peristalsis)
IF#2 is excellent for adsorbing the toxins released by the dying candida
[FAQ] Moving Toward Perfect Health Foundational Health Programs //
[FAQ] Health Building Food Program: Working File Thread
[FAQ] The Food Program: Working File Thread
Dr. Christopher's Mucusless diet: //
The above link is not just a list of 'allowed foods', it contains a LOT of good information.
A question FROM Unyquity - Enzymes - does exposure to air kill them...or not?
(enzymes in grains, beans/legumes & produce)//
"Drink your solids and chew your juices":) //
Kefir, Kombucha, Cultured/Fermented Vegetables, Sprouts
Superfood "Recipe" and more.. LINKS //
Slippery Elm
Slippery Elm (Ulmus Fulva)
Slippery El, Gruel
Garlic & More GARLIC / LINKS PAGE //
Get'cher pollen on... BEE POLLEN info ...Buzz Buzz!//
ACV BOMB (Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne, Garlic, Black Strap Molasses) //
Irradiated Food! Eating it? Here's the damage report!
Dr. Christopher had many diabetics/hypoglycemics on his IP, and he found that if they 'chewed their juice' before swallowing that their blood Sugar levels were not adversely affected at all...because the digestive enzymes in the saliva 'broke down' the Sugar to the point that it didn't substantially or harmfully alter blood-sugar levels.
Juicing: Links Page
What is Natural Healing (on this forum) and How to Get Started //
~!~ Compilation ALL "Working FAQ" posts & threads
In my opinion only, if you are currently experiencing sensitivities when you eat a certain food, stop eating it for now. There are many healthy foods you can eat that will give you the nutrition your body requires to heal and restore.
My question is, does grounding work whenever I am walking on concrete/grass/dirt/sand despite what is underneath that substance? When I think of the grass in a park or on my lawn, I feel like beneath all the grass and dirt - there are things which might disrupt the conductivity - like man made things such as pipes, concrete, empty air spaces where wires and pipes go. I wouldn't worry at all about that, the main thing is that you're skin is touching the ground. Any pipes run underground under the grass won't make a bit of difference and the wire has to be in pipe too so that's not a worry. On top of any pipe run underground is dirt/earth ;-) I don't know what might be under sand except earth lol! They say that concrete is conductive too.
Also, I am also worried about getting parasites from walking on grass. On my lawn I don't worry as much. But at a park or other public places I feel like I could be stepping in a place where a dog previously took a dump and exposing myself to diseases. The only time I would be concerned about that is if I had an open wound on my foot, other than that, no worries. You're feet are washable lol.
I live in California - where the weather is sunny right now. Should I be worried about these things? I guess I could just put on a pair of socks but from I understand barefoot is probably better. I wouldn't be worried about any of it, not one little bit! Get those footsies on the earth and you'll get rid of all that static electricity and you'll get the negative electrons that your body so badly needs.
Happy barefootin' and many blessings,