I had the mercury fillings taken out of my teeth on March 31, probably one of the best health decisions I've ever made. I was tired of candida overgrowth, and charming symptoms like increased hunger and headaches.
Well, I started oil pulling about a month ago. In fact, I think today is actually the 31st day. I use extra virgin coconut oil for 20 minutes, twice a day except on weekends, where I do it once. (I started out slow, but gradually increased the time)
On most days, I feel pretty good. My hunger levels are low enough that I can eat a simple 3 meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner with no snacks whatsoever, and yet have enough energy and alertness to last the whole day. On some days, I can go from lunch until 10pm without eating anything and still feel energetic, which is amazing (though I no longer tempt it). I am also losing weight, though that is likely related to my frequent bike rides (thrice a week, from a half hour to a full hour) more than my strict gluten-free casein-free (I have those two
food intolerances ) anti-candida diet that I never waver from.
Yesterday, though, I had my hunger shoot up, requiring me to eat more (or earlier in the day) to keep my energy and stop headaches. It was disturbing, and I hope it's not something that will continue.
Was that some kind of "flare-up" of some sort? Does oil pulling sometimes get better, then temporarily worse at random times? Is this known to happen? Or could it be related to something else?
On the subject of dental health - as that's what oil pulling is known for - my teeth are much stronger now and I can - and do - chomp on ice cubes while drinking cold water. I love it! I'm glad I've regained the ability to do that in less than a month after not having been able to for years. I was also told by my brother that my teeth look like they're well-shaped, though the color could use work.
Indeed, my teeth aren't whitened. How come? Wrong type of oil for that? It's helped them in other ways.
Anyway, I'd like to hear feedback from other oil pullers, especially those who have used extra virgin coconut oil.