I havn't read all the links but I used to get a really bad itchy scalp that turned out to be triggered by eating peppers (capsicums)
You probably have a salicylate sensitivity. These sensitivities are fairly common and peppers are loaded with salicylates.
Andreas Moritz has a theory that makes perfect sense to me.
You may want to run a search on Mortiz on this forum. Many of his claims have been thoroughly discredited.
The only way I can think of you cleansing deeper is by doing liver flushes. The liver is the main filter of toxins. If it's clogged the toxins get recirculated and end up in organs or skin. As much as HV opposes the liver flushes, they are incredibly useful in removing hardened bile that clogs the bile ducts.
First of all bile does not harden. Real gallstones are formed primarily from precipitated cholesterol. But the whole concept of "liver flushing" with the olive oil, lemon juice and magnesium has been discredited numerous times:
Parasites lay their eggs behind these cholesterol stones and as long as you have fluke eggs in your liver you will have liver flukes. The stones and the flukes combined stop the liver from filtering your blood effectively.
Again this is a myth. The closest thing to this are liver stones, which can be caused by parasites, but they are VERY rare and found primarily in some Asian countries:
To be very clear, I am not talking about gallstones being eliminated but about hardened bile,
Again, bile does not harden.
which is still soft enough to take the shape of the bile ducts. When you squeeze them, they are fairly soft, however, this consistency is too hard to be removed naturally. Parasites that live in the liver eat the bile, which changes its composition and thus hardens.
You need to flush until you see fresh green bile come out. If you have questions email me.
How about presenting some REAL evidence to these claims if it is really true rather than trying to lure people with false claims?
go to the water fast forum and ask your question there. water fasting is the only thing that can cure. all other forums are nonsense. i know, i once fell for all it's nonsense.
First of all that claim is totally ridiculous.
Secondly, any form of fasting will put more stress on the body. But her body is already being subjected to too much stress as it is, primarily through crashed adrenals from the mental stress. Adding more stress to the body would be the worst thing she could do right now.
WARNING: This is lengthy early posting which includes some chronological health issues that I seem to be unable to convey. I am sure some of you are tired of reading about this scalp problem, but I am not tired of seeking solutions. I am asking for your help one last time, posting threads which spell out where I have come from, progressing to current. I am tired, but not defeated. HELP if you can...
I just posted another reponse in the previous thread:
your infestation seems terrible. Your amalgams may be the culprit in drawing the parasites to the head.
You may want to do a search on mercury amalgams on this forum. I have addressed the hype over these a number of times.
Hulda Clark wrote that if you don't remove the source of the toxic poisoning from your body you will never be able to completely eradicate the parasites.
It is people like Hulda Clark that gave me the incentive to start this forum. Clark was full of misinformation and did so much to hurt the forward movement of alternative medicines. I have addressed her false claims in previous posts:
There was also this post from someone else:
Also, you need to constantly change your herbs and take more than the recommended dose in order to knock them dead. Parasites adapt very quickly and you have to stay ahead of them.
First of the poster is not even 100% certain that parasites are present. Secondly, a lot of the antiparasitical herbs can be toxic themselves. So people need to be careful about self diagnosing with parasites and need to be even more careful about what herbs they fool with to treat something they are not even sure they have.
One product I found very useful was Parasitin from Vaxa. The first time I took it I expelled very long worms. I also added ozonated olive oil to help kill the beasts. It worked for a month. I switched back to black walnut, wormwood and cloves but they didn't work for me anymore. A while later I went back to the Waxa product but I didn't have the same result anymore. It could be that i considerably reduced the colony of worms or that they adapted to whatever I gave them.
I still have one amalgam filling that I need removed.
Again, the whole amalgam thing has been as over hyped as the whole parasites are the cause of most diseases claims.
I also had the copper IUD for 10 years. Talk about toxic body! Until these metals leave our bodies, we won't be able to get rid of all the problems.
How much copper is in an IUD? And how much of that copper leached in to the system over how long? Copper is actually essential to the body for a number of reasons. It would take a lot of copper leaching in to the system in a short period of time to cause problems for the body by displacing zinc.
Are you also aware that non-metallic IUDs have been shown to cause side effects as well? Which brings up the question of whether any side effects from the IUD were from the copper in the IUD or simply an immune reaction to the IUD itself?
I made huge gains in health with cleansing and liver flushes.
Liver flushes are a joke. As has been explained numerous times the so-called "stones" are formed in the intestines, not in the liver or gallbladder:
I expelled a lot of stones that had worms or eggs attached to them.
Again the so-called "liver flushes" create the so-called "stones" in the intestines. If you search through Curezone you will find that the few people that actually sent off these so-called "stones" confirmed that the "stones" were actually saponified olive oil. The only report claiming that the blobs were confirmed as gallstones was shown to be falsified since the sample was supposedly taken in one state and analyzed by a lab in another state. Problem is that if you check the dates and time there was insufficient time to have sent the sample to the lab in the second state and get results in such a short period of time unless they think Superman personally flew the sample there and rushed the results then flew the results back all in a few hours. If these "stones" were really gallstones then why have all the real lab results shown just the opposite?
You might also want to read Spudlydoo's post about her experiment. She had an ultrasound first confirming that she had no gallstones. Then she did the "liver flush" and got the same saponified olive oil blobs that others doing the "liver flushes" pass.
The liver is the known breeding ground for liver flukes. They lay their eggs there and when they hatch they clog your liver and invade your body.
Human liver fluke infestations are not very common in most of the world. Infestations are primarily seen in Asian countries.
You have nothing to lose by trying a liver flush except for some parasites and other junk.
Doing these bogus "liver flushes" can present problems. For one, if there are REAL gallstones present then there is the risk of lodging a stone in the bile ducts leading to pancreatitis and requiring emergency surgery. Secondly, you are assuming this person still has a gallbladder. If a person ingests a large amount of oil without a gallbladder the resulting surge of bile can seriously burn the intestinal wall leading to even more issues. This is why people are prone to chronic diarrhea after having their gallbladders taken out and why they have a much higher risk of colon cancer.
It may sound like I am being hard on you and I guess I am. But I have spent so many years trying to get alternative medicines legitimized. When people come along promoting totally disproven crap this only serves to push alternative medicines back towards the dark ages. Think about it. When someone makes some bogus claim that has been discredited by real science these bogus claims become ammunition for the FDA and the medical establishment to not only suppress alternatives but also to call for more regulation. Alternative medicines are already more heavily regulated than allopathic medicine and we are quickly losing more ground to have a right to use alternative medicines because as I stated all these proven bogus claims gives the FDA and medical establishment more ammunition to call for regulation. Especially when someone gets injured from these bogus claims.
There are over 16,000 people a year that die from FDA approved nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but the FDA turns a blind eye to protect their profits and other interests. Yet all it takes is one person lodging a real gallstone in their bile ducts from doing one of these bogus "liver flushes" and the FDA and media will be all over it. It has happened time and time again with various alternative medicines. So the alternative medical community needs to be so much more careful about claims that allopathic medicine since alternative medicines are under so much more regulation and scrutiny.
In addition, it also wastes a lot of my time having to re-address these bogus claims that have already been addressed numerous times. I suggest you research the topics such as parasites and liver flushing on this forum by typing these words in the search engine for this forum and study the posts. Otherwise bogus claims being made on this forum will be challenged.
Response in other thread: