My mind is exhausted and spinning from data overload searching CureZone's extensive and informative forums for a regimen suitable for my husband. He was diagnosed with SCLC (small cell lung cancer) beginning of this year after 4 hospitalizations (beginning with ER admission 11/24/10 for what turned out to be dilutional hyponatremia (sodium of 106).
Licorice root is good for the hyponatremia as well as building the immune system and cancer.
He had x-rays/scans for cancer during the next 2 hospitalizations that came back negative until the 4th and last hospitalization (told he had SCLC with lesions on liver). Oncologist wanted to start him on chemo right away, which was almost a month away. Oncologist was sure husband would need 4-6 chemo sessions, so I started to scour the internet plus CureZone for information. I've been reading ever since. My husband leans towards traditional/conventional medicine while I've recently turned to colloidal silver and homeo for my own health problems and I'm getting good results.
I thought while he was in chemo, I'd talk to my husband about other choices like alternative, nutritional, herbs, ozone therapy, etc. My husband's now open to trying other treatments. Both of us lean towards OZONE therapy.
This is the best choice. Ozone therapy is the safest and most effective cancer treatment I have found.
(We need help with this, please!) After the 4th chemo, tests were done and he was told that he responded so well to chemo - the cancer/liver lesions were gone - and he didn't need more chemo, for now. Oncologist said if he stayed in remission for at least 3 months that would be a good sign. (He was initially told he had about 4-6 months to live without treatment.)
I would not count on what the doctor is saying. Small cell lung carcinoma is a very aggressive cancer, and in general most cancers do not respond well to chemotherapy drugs.
Last month husband had scan of his head which was negative for cancer, but oncologist wants him to start 'preventative' radiation of his head. We didn't like the ramifications of this treatment so here I am, hoping for help and a regimen that's compatible with my husband's present condition.
I love how doctors use carcinogenic radiation and chemotherapy drugs to "treat" cancer.
Please take into consideration my husband's present medications; Benicar 40 mg,
This is an ACE inhibitor. Ashwagandha is a natural ACE inhibitor if he wishes to go with a natural blood pressure control.
Protonix 40 mg
This is a proton pump inhibitor, which can cause all sorts of health issues from suppressing stomach acid. Here are a few posts on the subject:
and Demeclocycline 300 mg twice daily,
This is a tetracycline antibiotic. Using antibiotics can lead to further immune suppression by wiping out the flora, which is not a good thing with cancer. Hopefully he will be off this soon and then he can rebuild his flora with prebiotics and live cultured foods.
treatment for the hyponatremia. He's also taking multivitamins & minerals, fish oil, Vit. B-12, and Vit. D3 and some supplements recommended to us.
Here is more information for you on cancer and ozone:
Thank you for responding so quickly to my post here, Hveragerthi, and I apologize for not acknowledging your response until now. He hasn't been feeling well for about a week and he thought the hyponatremia was kicking up again, went to his doctors for x-rays and scans, and these tests came back showing "some activity" in the lungs, which I'm assuming means his cancer is back and he'll need more chemo which is what I'm hoping to avoid by getting him on a regimen suited for small cell lung cancer. We still don't know what is the best cold corona generator or where to get it. Your help in these areas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for providing us with so much information which we are so grateful for but still processing. I have a few comments and questions to your response. I'm new here and not sure how to edit my posts so please bear with me.
My mind is exhausted and spinning from data overload searching CureZone's extensive and informative forums for a regimen suitable for my husband. He was diagnosed with SCLC (small cell lung cancer) beginning of this year after 4 hospitalizations (beginning with ER admission 11/24/10 for what turned out to be dilutional hyponatremia (sodium of 106).
Licorice root is good for the hyponatremia as well as building the immune system and cancer.
Can licorice root be taken with the meds he's on, Benicar, Protonix and Demeclocycline?
I thought while he was in chemo, I'd talk to my husband about other choices like alternative, nutritional, herbs, ozone therapy, etc. My husband's now open to trying other treatments. Both of us lean towards OZONE therapy.
This is the best choice. Ozone therapy is the safest and most effective cancer treatment I have found.
We are looking at the Synergy Systems WPS-200 or WPS-400 ozone generators. Do you have any opinions on these units as far as their being cold corona vs. hot corona generators? I see that you prefer the cold corona and will persue this type. Finding a cold corona ozone generator is a real challenge.
Oncologist said if he stayed in remission for at least 3 months that would be a good sign. (He was initially told he had about 4-6 months to live without treatment.)
I would not count on what the doctor is saying. Small cell lung carcinoma is a very aggressive cancer, and in general most cancers do not respond well to chemotherapy drugs.
Hvergerathi, I'm not sure what you meant. Are you implying my husband shouldn't have anymore chemo but instead start the ozone therapy right now? It appears that his lungs are showing "some activity" but his liver remains lesion-free. However, now he was told radiation to the head is "not an option for now". returns to doctor tomorrow.
I have to continue this later tonight (if time allows) because I have an appointment to take my dog to the vet. She's got some kind of hacking/gagging/phlegmy thing going on. Both my husband and I have something going on in the lungs; coughing up thick, white junk. Feeling run down and coughing up this junk on and off during the day.
Thank you so much for all your help. I know how much expertise you have on ozone. I feel privileged to have found you on CureZone. Wishing you a perfect day.
I appreciate your reading my post, patientadvocate, and thank you for your comments below. I'm new here and still learning the ropes. I'll try to make my posts easier to read by making them shorter.
They should have sub typed your SCLC. Tyrosene Kinase inhibbitors might be payed for by insurance but only if your sub type indicates this.
You may be thinking of non-small cell lung cancer? My hushand has small (oat) cell lung cancer and as I understand it, it's either 'limited' or 'extensive/aggressive' in nature. My husband's cancer is extensive with metastases to his liver. I think non-small cell lung cancer is subtyped as follows; adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma or large cell carcinoma. If I have this wrong, please let me know.
Small cell has responded well to heavy alkaline salts, alternated with ozone.
I'm sorry I have to ask you to please give me examples of 'heavy alkaline salts' as I'm new to alternative medicine and I don't have a clue unless one is specific or literal and gives me the name of a product I can ask for in a health food store. My husband plans on using ozone therapy and we think we'll get the Synergy Systems WPS-200 unless you or others can recommend something other than Synergy, Longevity or Plasmafire. We are on a budget and can't affort thousands of dollars for a generator and its accessories.
Take the Essiac Tea , Hopefully you ordered it from Resperin, very cheap. Mix it double strength and sip it all day long. Sweeten with agave nectar, stevia, or raw unfiltered honey.
I learned of Essiac Tea on another message board and got ours at a Vitamin Shoppe. DH hasn't used it yet because we're checking for any contraindications with the meds he's presently taking. And the oncologist doesn't want DH to take anything we have offered up to him for approval so we're kinda winging it here, I'm afraid. We can certainly use all the help we can get at this point and CureZone has wealth in knowledge and information that we're learning to trust. So please accept our deepest thanks for your suggestions and comments.