I know I have candida but I have yet to find the answer as to why but have come to an assumption that it's secondary and that
parasites may be the primary cause of all my problems.
It all started after I had an anxiety attack after smoking weed back in July and then had what I thought were withdrawal symptoms for 3-4 weeks that a ex-crack addict would find intense.
My symptoms since then have been brain fog, heart palpitations, constipation, bloating, very strange stools of different shapes, sizes, and colors. (most recently floating red particles that sort of resemble a grapefruit), severe memory loss, depersonalization, easily startled, insomnia, hair loss, bloodshot eyes, stuffy nose for the past 8-9 months, freezing hands/feet,
Acne that has no puss, extreme intolerance to cold, extreme intolerance to marijuana, intolerance to alcohol (extreme anxiety), my heart used to stop and there'd be a jolt in my body in which it felt like my heart was restarting, and so many other symptoms that have come and go and many in which I'm unable to recall.
I've found candida through the spit test and enemas in which I've had it come out but I don't get die off symptoms regardless of how many anti-fungals I use. I also had all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue but many of those have gone away since fixing my diet.
I went to my homeland in Lithuania for the first time in 14 years (I'm 19) in the summer of 09 and recall having some serious diarrhea so maybe I caught bugs there; not sure. Regardless, I'm hopeful that
parasites are indeed my problem and I can go back to living a normal life again.