wow 5'7" and 110 pounds, How do you deal with that?? thats wayyyyyy to light for your hieght, I would have already shot myself.. for reall no joke, I'm losing my mind at going from 190-165 I dont know how you are even dealin with this, alll I can say is WOWWWWWW! O by the way I'm 5'8
So far when I used RAW garlic, the next few days would be really bad, AKA die-off symptoms, also when I first used raw apple cider vinegar and honey mixed in warm water, the next few days were really bad too, die off symptoms again.
Now I am on a product called Parasitin made by Vaxa and having just OK results, I did pass a worm and notice some die-off symptoms but nothing crazy. I dont think its strong enough but its def pissing off the wormss!!
My next product will be Humaworm which I just ordered the other day, suppose to be the BEST out of all natural products. I'll be starting that next week and we will see out that goes...
And if all of these fail, I have albendazole ready to be used, but I'm only going to use this when I feel like there is a point of no return, like who cares just try it attitude..
look at this link A LOT of worm info