That "you" (anyone) see (s) no problem in these things means nothing in the scheme of what actually occurs in the body, and what constitutes a water only fast.
Your ideas are mere whimsical opinions that fit your own personal likes and dislikes, and fail to see the bigger picture: the price a body will pay for such wrong ideas. The trouble with voicing them here is it wastes a lot of energy and time in people having to post the impersoanl facts, so that others will not be led astray, who've come here to learn about water-only fasting.
How many times does this have to be repeated, moderators????
this kind of conversation belongs in debate, yet I feel obliged as someone who's benefitted greatly from true water fasting, to act as a sort of 'clearing house', that is, to keep posting to the untruths, when these wrong ideas keep surfacing, masquerading as another valid point of view.
They are not valid in terms of Water Only Fasting.
Maybe the board needs a more firm introduction up top, something besides "please post...."
People have free choice--look around and see where that's gotten us. But to be brief (ish) Your post DOES belong in
Fasting Debate . This is not any personal attack on you, please understand--it's just the facts. You are wrong in your thinking.
Mine (the first post) was just repeating what constitutes a water fast, (and suggesting the use of the search engine) since every day there appears to be someone new who hasn't actually read about the process, (past the talk about ketosis that floats around out ther) but who has all kinds of cherished ideas of their own.
best wishes, i think I'm finished with playing this role.
Hope the board gets more clear as to what its focus is.