I got him down to $400. What sort of questions should I ask? I need it for EBV/CFS. Thank You!
I found the set-up on my local craigslist. It's a private person who used it for several health problems, and he said he got well, so he's selling it. I would hang on to something that healed me, so I'm not sure I believe him.
He said he got the sauna tent for $50 + s&h a year ago. I just wrote and asked him for the website and I'll get back to you if he gives it to me. Did you read Hv said not to use O3 with hot water/steam? It's still good for O3, and sauna sepearately.
It may not be that great if the ozone machine isn't a real cold corona. I wish it was easier to find the real deal.
I'm in the same boat as you looking for the piece of the puzzle to get well. Hang in there.
This is what he wrote me back. It's not $50 anymore, so he probably got it longer than a year ago!! :
"The words are there, but they are etched into the metal casing, so you really can't see them, but it's exactly like the one in the link I sent you. You can't get a set-up like mine unless you buy everything separetly. I was lucky to find a retailer in New York that had everything in stock. As for the tent, I got it from www.ib3health.com
Thanks. I hope you find a deal like this one or better also. If you're ever on the other coast you can come use this one. If I had Lymes I'd write Martha Stewart and ask her how she got better.
I have EBV/CFS and this is supposed to cure it also. It's supposed to be cured in a month or less if done properly, so I think Hv's right about water/steam making the ozone way less effective.
This is like the generator I got and if I didn't find the used one I'd get it here. Maybe they sell used ones, or refurbished ones, if you ask. And, keep checking your local craigslist health and beauty section.
Thanks for the video. It helps seeing one in action. This video helped me also.
I'm learning more and more about ozone. This site is very informative... but they sell saunas and lots of ozone products so they are biased..... www.o3center.org/Articles/TheStoryofOzone.html
This is from wiki...
This is the most popular type of ozone generator for most industrial and personal uses. While variations of the "hot spark" coronal discharge method of ozone production exist, including medical grade and industrial grade ozone generators, these units usually work by means of a corona discharge tube. They are typically very cost-effective and do not require an oxygen source other than the ambient air. However, they also produce nitrogen oxides as a by-product. Use of an air dryer can reduce or eliminate nitric acid formation by removing water vapor and increase ozone production. Use of an oxygen concentrator can further increase the ozone production and further reduce the risk of nitric acid formation by removing not only the water vapor, but also the bulk of the nitrogen.
I don't want to ignore your question, and I don't want to make you angry, but it all was $400! It may break in a week though, so if you get a new one you'll have it working until you get well..... and get most of your money back when you sell it.
This is the same one in the picture.
Wow, tyvek suits are so cheap. Have you tried ozone with one? That would be great if it worked.
My $30 ozone machine makes ozone water that makes me feel better, so I'm sure your ozone machine is powerful enough to make you well.
I know what you mean about running out of money... and a life. I just quit nursing school after working very hard (and then waiting 2 years) to get in, and got on temporary disability for a month or two. I need to get better asap. No time to make mistakes anymore.
Try the tyvek suit with your machine and let me know how it worked. Hang in there. You will get well. XO
Oh no, don't do the C with the ozone. There's a problem with it and the C must be at least an hour after ozone treatment. I can't remember why, but I'll find it and post it here.
Thanks, yes I'd so much rather be trained in holistic health but they don't have colleges that teach it here, and an allopathic nursing license opens many doors, even healthy ones;-)
Your honey makes a lot of money. Maybe if you're good she'll buy you a tent;-))
Medical ozone is produced in varying concentrations. The quantity of ozone in comparison with the quantity of oxygen in the gas stream is called per cent concentration. It is measured in micrograms (ug) of ozone per milliliter (ml or cc) of the mixture. A liter of oxygen weighs 1.4 grams. Therefore :
0.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 7 ug/ml
1.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 14 ug/ml
1.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 21 ug/ml
2.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 28 ug/ml
2.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 35 ug/ml
3.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 42 ug/ml
3.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 49 ug/ml
4.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 56 ug/ml
4.5 % X 1.4 gm/l = 63 ug/ml
5.0 % X 1.4 gm/l = 70 ug/ml
5 % or 70 ug/ml is considered to be the upper limit of concentration for internal use of medical ozone.
Dr. Greenberg, formerly of the Kief Clinic, has shown, in vitro, that at concentrations of 90 ug/ml there was crimping of red blood cells which was definitely harmful. Experiments by F. Sweet et al, have shown inhibition of growth in healthy cells at concentrations above 70 ug/ml. If we stay below that level, we will have no problems. Generators that produce higher concentrations can be dangerous for home use. Interestingly, cold plasma generators have a built in limitation of about 70 ug/ml, which is within the safe range. We are proud of the fact that no one has ever been harmed using our generators.
Medical ozone therapy has been found to be an extremely safe modality, free from the dangerous side effects associated with drugs. In a 1980 study done by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy, 644 therapists were polled regarding their 384,775 patients, with a total of 5,579,238 ozone treatments administered. There were only 40 cases of side effects noted out of this number, which represents the incredibly low rate of .000007 %, and only four fatalities. Ozone has thus proven to be the safest medical therapy ever devised.
Prof. B. Halliwell of the University of London has stated, after researching the topic, that there has never been a case cited in the medical literature of damage caused in vivo by the O1 oxygen radical.
Flow Rate
Total Volume
Total Ozone
C x T Value
Ozone has been used to clean water for the people in big cities for over 100 years. The water engineers have a value that they use to measure the effectiveness of ozone in cleaning water. This is the CT value. It is a product of concentration x time (C x T). This information has been overlooked by the medical fraternity. The time that ozone is in contact with human tissue is of great importance. Ozone therapy has only considered concentration and total volume of ozone, and has ignored the time factor.
When doing rectal insufflation, if the concentration is 45 ug/ml, and the length of time of exposure is 2 minutes, the CT value will be 45 x 2 = 90. If however, the exposure time is 16 minutes, the CT will be 45 x 16 = 720. A higher CT value is a more desirable figure, because more oxidation work can be done. In order to be able to lengthen the time of exposure, it is necessary to have a very low flow rate. The ozone industry has generally rated its equipment with a flow rate of 1/2 liter/minute. However, by using a regulator producing a flow rate of 1/32 liter/minute, it is possible to get exposure times of 30 minutes. Since ozone concentration in general is inversely proportional to flow rate, the lowest flow produces the highest concentration. For example, at 1/32 liter/minute, our Beta generator produces 50 ug/ml. Rectal insufflation for 30 minutes will produce a CT value of 50 x 30 = 1500. There is a clear advantage to low flow rate insufflation, and it also reduces the problem of cramping.
There is also the added benefit of very low oxygen usage. Remember that oxygen by itself does not produce the therapeutic effects of ozone. The patient often needs to have a series of colonics before beginning insufflation, and an enema before each insufflation. The person taking rectal insufflation should also take quality acidophilus, or yogurt.
For prevention, a major benefit can be derived from regularly drinking ozona- ted water. Water is a fascinating substance, and we all take it for granted. Chemically it is considered to be on oxygen atom bound with two hydrogen atoms. The bond angle between the two hydrogen atoms is known to be variable, depending on the amount of energy in the molecule. Radionics research has shown that water whose bond angle is 101 degrees is 'dead' water, bereft of life-giving energy.
When water is distilled, the bond angle expands to 120 degrees upon evaporation, but collapses to 101 degrees upon condensation, and is therefore 'dead'. A bond angle of 103 degrees corresponds to average water. A bond angle of 106 degrees produces activated, energized water, and is attainable by placing a magnet, north pole inward, against the water container. The highest energy obtainable in liquid water is a bond angle of 109.5 degrees, and this is attainable only by ozonating water at 4 degrees C. Ozone will not stay in water for very long, even at 4 degrees, so it is best to freshly ozonate water and drink it immediately on an empty stomach, rather than make a large amount and try to store it. It can be stored for longer times by freezing it in plastic containers.
I don't understand the charts, do you?
What should I set the ozone machine and O2 concentrator to for the sauna... and for an ear?
Ozone machine goes from 1-10 and the concentrator goes from 1-5. Thank You in advance. XO