From your description it sounds like you have been constipated for too long. Try the remedies below. They should work.
My Best,
if i eat i get nauseated, this is due to the constipation that i developed all of a sudden. I don't get why i'm constipated though. My stomach keeps making music but i just cant go. Any ideas to go
There are a lot of reasons for constipation. Dehydration, lack of flora, excess iron intake, intestinal blockages/strangulation, hypothyroidism, high progesterone levels, certain medications, lack of fiber, over use of stimulant laxatives such as senna or cascara sagrada, etc. That is not enough information to narrow things down.
Have you been getting enough water and fiber? Been on antibiotics or iron? Using progesterone? Are you going at all? If so is the stool hard and dry? The more information you can supply the better.