Misc MD's on Fasting:
Joel Fuhrman, M.D. (has fasting center in NJ) says... "In my practice I have seen fasting eliminate lupus and arthritis, remove chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, heal the digestive tract in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, and quickly eliminate cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and angina. In these cases the recoveries were permanent."... "There are hundreds of journal articles in the medical literature documenting the value of fasting in improving the function of the entire body including brain... Fasting has been repeatedly observed to alleviate neurosis, anxiety and depression."
John Tilden, M.D., who fasted thousands of people in his Denver center, said "I must say in all seriousness that fasting when combined with a properly selected diet is the nearest approach to a 'cure-all' that is possible to conceive-- profoundly simple and simply profound!"
Hereward Carrington, M.D. wrote a book called Vitality, Fasting and Nutrition. He says "fasting is a scientific method of ridding the system of diseased tissues, and morbid matter, and is invariably accompanied by beneficial results...
Charles Page, M.D. says "The fasting cure universally and rationally applied, would save thousands of lives every year."
Ron Kennedy, M.D. says "Fasting creates a condition of low concentration of toxic wastes in the circulatory system. This is sensed by the plasma membrane of each cell and each cell will then let go of its load of toxic wastes. When this happens suddenly, as it does with fasting, the result can be a sudden case of mild systemic toxemia as the system cleanses itself. Those who fast must be prepared for a phase of headache, irritability, insomnia and fatigue. This is a natural part of the healing process and should be welcomed." ...
Dr. Charles Goodrich of the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, who has fasted many times said "People don't realize that the chief obstacle to fasting is overcoming the cultural, social and psychological fears of going without food. These fears are ingrained. . . .However, fasting is not starving, not even in a medical sense or the natural sense."
Michael R. Eades, M.D. says "Like caloric restriction, intermittent fasting reduces oxidative stress, makes the animals more resistant to acute stress in general, reduces blood pressure, reduces blood sugar, improves insulin sensitivity, reduces the incidence of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, and improves cognitive ability."
Donald E Colbert MD says "Fasting is another method of detoxification that I recommend frequently. Fasting allows the body to heal by giving it a rest. Fasting gives the digestive tract a much-needed rest, which in turn allows the overburdened liver to 'catch up' on its detoxification work."
Dr. Yuri Nikolayev, director of the fasting unit of the Moscow Psychiatric Institute, reported on the use of scientific, therapeutic fasting to successfully treat over 10,000 patients, all suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and various neuroses, concluding: "The hunger treatment [as Soviet psychiatrists term fasting] gives the entire nervous system and the brain a rest. The body is also cleansed of poisons, and the tissues and the various glands are renovated."
Merci Marionette :)
What happened to me took me completely by surprise because in the previous 12 months of training, i was never able to reach 100% of my estimated max heart rate no matter how hard i pushed (my legs would always tire before my heart and actually my lungs tired before anything before my first long fast healed them at which point they became my strongest link). In this instance i had rested my knees from running for a month, doing other intense cardio during that time and with such rested running legs i was able for the first time to (accidentally) push to 102% of my estimated max... and by the time i realized it, i was too late.
I was running about a mile around a lake attempting to shatter my previous best time which i did, feeling great every step of the way until after i finished the race. I felt so good that i didn't imagine my heart rate might have been getting dangerously high.
Reaching 98% was never a problem before the injury... it never caused any strain, nor did i ever once feel any heart strain under any circumstances before the incident... but in any case once my heart is 100% healed, i don't believe i will ever let myself get above 95% again to play it safer.
As to the semi marathon a few days after a long water fast, i believe there may or may not be something going on physiologically that would make us unprepared for such a feat (temporary low platelets in our blood maybe?), but hopefully somebody else has more specific and sourced information on that. I break the exercise aspect of my fast gradually much the way i do with food.
Hi Rainy :),
Thank you so much for your kind support.
re: My diet has been very good lately, but I do not get the same results as I do when fasting. That, of course, is to be expected.
Yes Rainy i had the same experience. After the incident with my heart, I rested and ate healthy for 6 weeks with no noticeable benefit and in fact only complete frustration before i took on the first of 2 post injury long fasts... upon which the benefit was fantastic and impossible to miss :).
What is going on with your respiratory system (if i may ask) and have you noticed some improvement already through the short fasts? Before i hurt my heart, my lungs got completely healed in my very first long fast which was about 16 months ago.
exerp: "Another exciting development is that my lungs feel newly rejuvenated like i am 18 years old. Taking exceedingly deep, comfortable easy breaths is something i haven't enjoyed for quite some time... not that my lungs had it particularly bad before, nor did i notice them being in any way below normal... but now that they are feeling this amazing, i can compare the difference and it becomes clear that my lungs were not in the same league 36 days ago. I would say that my lungs had been ever so slightly my weakest link where cardio was concerned, my heart and legs both being in better shape."
from: "Breaking the 30 Day Fast: A tale of the past 7 Days." http://www.stevepavlina.com/forums/health-fitness/32718-beautiful-fast-2.html...
So happy you enjoyed it Rainy, thank you again :),