Something that is very effective when it comes to HIV is an extract made from the oleander plant. It is 100% effective in reversing HIV symptoms. Let me leave you with the following information:
The website where you can get this extract is
well i was told about 4 weeks ago i was hiv+ so i found a this bob beck stuff it makes sense to me but i dnt know what is the best machines to use i was checking out some that was like 3 in one but they confuse me with this zapper and al that it would be a blessing if someone could help thanks
First of all testing HIV+ means absolutely nothing. There are over 65 KNOWN causes for false positives on the HIV tests. Furthermore, there are no standard lab tests that can prove the presence of or activity of any virus including HIV. I have discussed this in detail numerous times:
If you have symptoms of AIDS then there are various things that can be done to address these symptoms. In particular ozone and various antimicrobial herbs. Chaparral, pau d' arco and andrographis are particularly effective. If you have been on pharmaceutical antivirals or other drugs that destroy the bone marrow, such as NSAIDs, then suma is also recommended for the bone marrow regeneration. You may also find these references on betulinic acid from birch bark and chaga mushrooms against HIV interesting:
Hmmmm............ If I may jump in here. Ice cream, sodas, and stuff is really not eating normally. We have been made to think that this is normal but when you come to think of it, this was not a normal diet 50 years ago. It is its availability and brainwashing of the public that has made it seem "normal." Things such as ice cream used to be treats that we had once in a long while, it wasn't at our beck and call. Soda is one of the worst things that you can put in your body. Even a completely healthy person will be harmed by a diet of sweets, sodas, junk food, and fast foods. It will take its toll one way or the other, maybe after prolonged consumption, maybe sooner. But it will take its toll.
My Best,