In my case yes. But this procedure is for any appearance in court. Court's are corporations. So is "the state" & the county, the city, the United States, the jails and everything that "aquires" money from you in some way or another. They're ALL businesses.
Can Microsoft demand you pay them for anything? Or McDonalds or any other corporation or business? No. They have to have your concent or you have to contract with them. It's the same with courts. Go to Dunn & Bradstreet and put in your district or supreme court and it will come up. Congress and all three letter government agencies are corporations. Anything that uses your all caps name CHAZ MEAT HEAD is a business or corporation.
So once you file your UCC-1 form, it states you're not that all caps name. That you're the upper and lower name. Chaz Meat Head. The UCC-1 form also establishes that you own all the all caps name's property. It also establishes the all caps name is a transmitting utility, a trust. And the state will certify that all this is true.
So when you go to court the first thing they do is ask if ChaztheMeatHead is here. Then most people say yes. Then when they call you forward, they ask again Are you ChazheMeatHead and you says yes. At that point you've accepted the charges against that all caps name. Theoritically you're innocent until proven guilty, but since you accepted those charges, now you have to prove you're innocent. (Which usually isn't hard to do because the whole system is based on smoke and mirrors)
But if you've filed your UCC-1 form, now you can say you're not the entity on that ticket or you're not the party they're calling before the court. You're a friend of the court and just want to let them know that they're trying to call a legal fiction or a fictional entity to appear before the court. A trust has no body, just like the court or the state and so on. So none of these legal fictions can appear before the court. They don't have bodies.
What you're doing with all this is taking advantage of the fact that they created a trust in your name when you were born and it's called your all caps name. The court can only deal with other business entities unless you concent or contract to do business with them. That's the only way they can get you to do anything with them in a courtroom. If you admit that you're that all caps name, a business entity, then they can apply their business "laws" to you.
They aren't laws though. They're statutes, regulations, offenses, infractions and so on. They're all business laws in reality. Laws can only be created by Congress. And even then they have to be Constitutionally legal.
Anyway, once you seperate yourself from that legal fiction, the all caps name, what can they hold you to? Nothing, unless you let them.
Before trying this you have to TOTALLY understand the world you live in. A commercial world. And who you are. Not that all caps name, which is a business. You're not that trust or transmitting utility. You're a human with a body and all these commercial entities are there to serve you. And they have to have your concent to do anything to you or they're in trouble. Just like if Mircosoft billing you for one of their programs that you never ordered or bought.
Someone stole my identity online and charged Vouge and the New Yorker magazine before getting caught. Vouge sent us a bill and said they were going to charge the next year's subscription on my card unless I called them. My wife called them and said we never orderd any of the magazines and that if they charged anything on that card it would be fraud. They're sending us a check for the subscription that we never paid for. :-)
But it's the same thing for a court. They're a business. Is the IRS? Yes. Getting my drift?
So the bottom line in all this is get out there and file your UCC-1 form and keep this criminal commercial world we live in, in their place. This is one way to take control of your life. And a way to keep all these criminal corporations where they belong. Out of business! :-)
If anyone wants help in filling out their UCC-1 Form correctly let me know. I wouldn't follow any YouTube video's on this, although there may be the right one's out there. I don't know.
This is what I'm talking about in us doing our own part in bringing down Corp USA and all their criminal friends. There are ways to stop foreclosures and debt collectors. That's another thing I'm doing. If we get out there and help everyone we can by doing this, they will listen to the rest of the truth. And once they see the whole truth, they will spread it like wildfire. We can bring down the illegal world we live in, in a short amount of time. Just like a viral video on YouTube. This is the ground up change that has to happen or else we will only get more of the same and we will deserve it!
Take Care and let me know if I can help! :-)