I guess thats what I meant by mycelial (ie proliferative).
I think I will persist with the sf722. The die-off has to end somewhere!! I guess the kefir will speed the progress.
Can't believe how good my gut is after 2 days!
Yes, kefir can work really quick. In fact this is a great way to address food poisoning as well. Just drink down as much kefir as possible all at once. The good bacteria of the kefir overwhelm the bad bacteria of the infection wiping the bad bacteria out. Symptoms generally clear up in about 45 minutes.
Kefir works better than most commercial probiotics for several reasons. First of all kefir contains a broad range of beneficial bacteria compared to commercial probiotics, which can contain one or a few strains of bacteria. Secondly you are consuming greater numbers of these beneficial bacteria with kefir than with supplements. And kefir is live culture. Not all commercial probiotics are live culture. They may start out live culture, but they can be affected by storage time and heat. Shipping during the summer is often done in unrefrigerated trucks, which can damage the product.
Kefir was pure poison for me!!
Whatever is wrong with me was worsened by drinking kefir and I am not talking die-off. Sad but true.
More than likely the kefir was not fermented long enough. This leaves sugars in the kefir that feed the Candida. Kefir should be allowed to sit longer than recommended to make sure all the sugar in the kefir has been destroyed by fermentation. This also increases the level of beneficial acids.
I felt I need to elaborate more on my reasoning. My understanding is if you get your gut healthy than whatever is living in the gut then innoculates the vagina.
Exactly. The vaginal flora comes from the skin, which the skin of the perianal area is primarily colonated with fecal bacteria.
However, it is clear to me that I have mycelial (ie hyphal) candida. When left untreated I only ever get very mild vaginal yeast infections week 3 of my cycle which actually itches more just before my period when it naturally dies off. If I use antifungals (even when I don't have a yeast infection) I get severe itching, redness, swelling and cracks in the skin (joy!). Doesn't matter what antifungal it is (natural, medical), it always happens.
It is the acidity produced by the Lactobacillus bacteria that keep the Candida in a yeast form rather than a hyphal (fungal) form. Here are a few more detailed posts I did on the subject:
I guess what it comes down to is, is kefir good enough to eventually bring the candida back from its mycelial state (apparently this is what sf722 does)
Yes, kefir and other cultured foods help to restore the acidity of the tissues where Candida resides keeping the Candida from overgrowing and keeps the Candida in a more benign yeast form instead of the aggressive hyphal (fungal) form.
Kefir is good. I have taken more than 150 liters of it in two years and still do. But, it won't cure your chronic vaginal candidiasis. I have seen how women post about this problem during almost 3 years I have been visiting this forum. To get a proper treatment to cure a persistent vaginitis you need to research the archives about it. You will find interesting posts about this topic. If you want to go straight, research the work done by Dr. Marjorie Crandall about vaginitis. It is the best I have been across about vaginal candidiasis. I am man but is sad to see women suffering with it without to find a cure. When yeast go intracellular, there aren't topical remedies that work, neither Rx, nor naturals.
All vaginitis means is inflammation of the vagina. And it has various causes, which also include bacteria and even vaginal trauma.
As for kefir, kefir can clear up bacterial and fungal vaginitis. Kefir bacteria produce bacteriocides, peroxides and acids that kill or control these pathogens as compete for space and food with them, which also helps control the pathogens.
In addition it is the acids generated by the beneficial bacteria that keep the Candida from both growing and going fungal. The Candida growth gene is turned on by alkalinity and turned off by the acids generated by the flora. The acidity of the flora also keep the Candida in a benign yeast form. It is when the tissues become too alkaline, such as when the flora are depleted that the Candida goes fungal producing hyphae that allow the Candida to dig in to the tissues. Check my posts, I posted all sorts of evidence for this. Restoring the flora in the vagina will help correct the pH balance back to the acidic side turning off the Candida growth gene and converting the Candida back to its benign yeast form.