I guess thats what I meant by mycelial (ie proliferative).
I think I will persist with the sf722. The die-off has to end somewhere!! I guess the kefir will speed the progress.
Can't believe how good my gut is after 2 days!
Yes, kefir can work really quick. In fact this is a great way to address food poisoning as well. Just drink down as much kefir as possible all at once. The good bacteria of the kefir overwhelm the bad bacteria of the infection wiping the bad bacteria out. Symptoms generally clear up in about 45 minutes.
Kefir works better than most commercial probiotics for several reasons. First of all kefir contains a broad range of beneficial bacteria compared to commercial probiotics, which can contain one or a few strains of bacteria. Secondly you are consuming greater numbers of these beneficial bacteria with kefir than with supplements. And kefir is live culture. Not all commercial probiotics are live culture. They may start out live culture, but they can be affected by storage time and heat. Shipping during the summer is often done in unrefrigerated trucks, which can damage the product.