Hi terrellisaiah,
No, magnascent
Iodine is for internal use and povidone is not. You COULD use magnascent on skin, but you shouldn't ingest povidone. check out magnascent.com, it seems expensive but actually lasts longer than
Lugol's and is better absorbed, and it is not as strong as Lugol's. (easier on the body)
I forgot how much MSM and C and salt I was taking, I don't have lyme but got that protocol from the lyme's forum in an attempt to clear up a skin condition that may be associated with lyme's...So you can check there!
MSM is just sulfur, it is nothing to be nervous about. You don't even need to take it every day if you are just supplementing and not trying to high dose for a protocol.
Sorry I don't have any good links to post for you, maybe on another day when I have extra time I will look some stuff up.
Follow your heart, listen to intuition and you can cure yourself!