It reminds me of a "Brave New World"
where we are the few who have not been
lulled into the stupor of mass media
control, etc. Why else would Obama
state the thing wrong with today's
world is the internet. Too much info
on the information highway. Too
difficult to control the influence
of knowledge. He now wants a "kill switch".
The media is not the ilk of Cronkite
and Brinkley anymore. Sure, Anderson
Cooper pays lip service but still stays
away from the hard questions. He is no
bulldog, thats for sure.
Anyway, in this society, WE, who know
and WANT to know are considered the
parasite, the terrorist. We want change
but it will never come since that was
only a mantra to make us think that
TPTB were giving us the change we wanted.
Of course, its more complicated than that.
When I consider many things, I know you
do not fully appreciate the power of
prayer, but I do pray that the change
needed by those on the inside who can
really effect change will be forthcoming.
On a good day, I think of the future
and humanity and the good that life
has to offer. On a bad day, I cannot
help but consider that we are eyeball
deep into the Kali Yuga ~~
and that those who claim to govern us
willingly sacrifice as many of us who
would succumb to poisoning, scalar
weapons, war, starvation, degenerative
education, and now, VOCs and oil which
will further jeopardize our personal
efforts to effect happiness and health
on all levels.
Ruh, roh...I can tell I am in need
of more sunshine and a dose of peace,
love and joy...ggg.
Anyone for a day at the beach??
ps. Now, it would seem, that there are
serious efforts afoot to make those of
us who embrace the level of health WE
do, appear to be damaged goods~~