It sounds like you are doing really good work. I too have been feeling like I had absolutely no energy and no minerals in my body because I've been
parasite cleansing, although up until yesterday I was attributing it to probable cavitations in my jaw. But I got rid of a lot of stuff and feel better, not addicted to sleeping as I've been feeling for 3-4 days.
I wanted to share something from Paul Pitchford's huge book called Healing with Whole Foods, where he has lots of information on
parasite cleansing (he's very well thought of in the Chinese acupuncture community). He says to eat raw rice every morning for about 2 weeks, which "deeply cleanses the intestinal tract" and gets rid of "impacted residues that shelter parasites". Take 1/4 to 1/3 cups of rinsed raw brown rice, and if that's too hard to chew let it soak in water first and chew it well before swallowing, or if you have a real problem then put it in a blender. I have had lots of colon cleansing through the years and when I first started parasite/
Liver Cleansing I examined everything and once what came out was a wasp nest kind of thing, very crunchy texture -- I will never forget my horror. He says without taking this step it's very possible no matter what herbs you use you may never solve the problem.
Anyway, what happened a few weeks ago was monumental for me. I've had a very noisy large
parasite that traveled up and down on the left side of my body and made its presence known for at least the last 2-3 years. It would always make noise when I was doing a
Liver Flush or even when it was hungry or if I ate after not eating I would hear it traveling up or down (like below my navel to up towards my breast and back). About 2-3 weeks ago I did a combo of Hanna Kroeger parasite pills, the raw rice thing once, I think; DE and a couple of pineapple shakes. I am never constipated, so when I was doing this I used the bathroom and flushed. Then I walked past the bathroom later and glanced at the toilet and thought that I saw a long strip of caulking at the water line inside the toilet bowl that I automatically assumed had fallen from the ceiling, but then I realized there wasn't really anywhere it could have fallen from. So I took a close look and it was completely white, headless (one end of it had ragged torn skin), at least 12
inches long and the skin looked tough and a little wrinkled (except for where it was raggedy). It looked ancient and fat. I'm assuming it was a tapeworm, even though it was not segmented -- years ago I did pass lots of ascaris, very thin and long. But I've heard so many things about
Tapeworms and they all contradict one another, like the rice things you pass being
Tapeworm segments (I have never seen this).
I noticed the following: that I have never had that same loud noisy worm-traveling noise coming from the left side of my body since; that I have a 61 year history of being addicted to
Sugar and
Sugar does not have any hold on me any longer, which is completely amazing to me -it's very true that
parasites make you eat what they want you to eat; that I do now have some noise originating from my removed-appendix area, but nothing like the loud cacophony from the big intruder. Once I realized this is the time to continue with anti-parasitics and get the head to come out, too, I did hear (I swear to God this is true) a kind of brief screeching noise on the right side of my body that could not have possibly been gas moving thru the intestines. I have never heard anything like this before. Maybe it is the head of the
Tapeworm plus whatever part did not come out that day 2-3 weeks ago. I recently looked up a picture of a
Tapeworm head and it looks very complicated and festive, kind of like Chiquita banana. (I wonder if there is a voicebox in there.)
Also, just to mention 2 things very helpful to me, are the four-pack of liver/gallbladder cleansing herbs: coptis and curcumin at night and stonebreaker (bupleurum and something else) in the morning. I have had a lot of release from my liver from these, and before I found them had great success with the Moritz/Huldah Clarke
Liver Flush protocol (also tsetsi's too). What I've been doing lately in connection with these herbs is coffee enemas, where you can purchase by far the best coffee and read about the best way to do these enemas at {I just realized I don't think I'm supposed to reference products on CZ, but you can email me) They really do flush the liver well. I did get lots of flukes and strange things purging from the liver. I know you may not be able to buy these now, but you can go to the website and maybe just substitute grocery store coffee for now -- it will work too, but maybe not as smoothly as coffee specifically for coffee enemas.
Anyway, all for now.... good luck in this important endeavor!