Eh-hem – I know all you guys have been putting your herbs in glass because I’ve harped on it so much, right? If not, you can find dozens of Ball Jar/Mason Jar sets on ebay & amazon – there is no good reason to ingest phyto-chemicals and endocrine disruptors in any amount – not through herb packaging or drinkware. Now – I know it’s the best way to ship the herbs from RK studios (weight, money, etc) BUT that does not mean you shouldn’t transfer your stuff to glass when you get it in the mail. Besides – you’ll feel like a veritable bad ass herbalist with a line of beautiful colors and shapes to look at. It makes you look at your recipe and dosing process with such a creative frequency. Trust me – do it.
Now... I know we’ve all tried to put a 1/3 measuring cup into a bag of IF2, Superfood or some other dry good and tried to get all the contents in the jar. Often, I end up cleaning up a bit of spilled herb. Here’s what I’ve been doing. You’re gonna make a funnel out of the bag. Hold the bag up and shake the contents into the top at the opening. Now, pinch off the excess and snip a 3” slit, diagonally across the bag. Now you have a perfect funnel. With those extra twisty ties from your celery, you have synched herbs for re-distribution when you need them. Now, all your herb dosing can be done with spoons in jars.
Now, I’m really meticulous when it comes to design. I can’t relax until a wall or corner are beautiful. If my environment doesn’t mock a good piece of artwork, it’ll catch my eye till the design ergonomics of something is fly. You don’t have to do it like this – but if you did – it’d be cooler. :D
Take your quart ball jars with dry goods and line them at the back of your shelf or desk. I cut out pieces of construction paper and wrote what they were and what’s in it/what it’s good for in marker. I then packing-taped (clear, wide tape) over the label creating kind of a laminated affect. Then, amazing herbs go in ‘em, of course. In front of them are my tinctures. In the middle, in the center, I keep a towel. Not a terry cloth towel as that’s too topographical. I have a few old-school kitchen towels that I keep down on the counter. It saves time and frustration when you don’t have to clean your herb counter everyday. I grab my empty ball/shaker jar from the cupboard above my herbs, put good water in it, HINT HINT, on my towel and no matter how ridiculous stuff gets, I ain’t gotta scrub that counter anymore and that contributes to more cleanse ease.
This is a photo of my herb set-up:
If you buy a dozen smaller ball jars, like the 4 oz. jars (again, ebay and amazon are the shizz) then you’ll have an opportunity to have a relief set of herbs IN GLASS with you all the time. A bit of cayenne powder, IF2, superfood, charcoal, slippery elm, ashwaganda and milk thistle stay on my desk. When I’m leaving the house, I grab whatever combination I think I’ll need. A 99cent store pair of cheapy measuring spoons stays in my bag, completing my most excellent mobile cleanse love.
This is a closer image of the no-mess towel and ready station. Notice the handy little strainer that fits perfectly inside the jar on the right:
These amazing tea-pot strainers fit amazingly inside ball jars. They’re 3” across. Mountain Rose sells one with a handle but they all seem to be $3-4 dollars a piece, even on ebay and amazon. I feel they should be cheaper if we could just find the right restaurant supply or something. I've seen them listed as tea infusers but I've also seen them listed as Chinese tea pot caps. They're very handy for coffee enemas, teas and straining juice.
This is a liver flush drink with a 4oz. straight-ginger root juice to have near the bed if I get nauseous in the night:
I don’t enjoy slippery elm gruel. The experience of ‘cutting’ the slippery elm away from the rest of it’s kin is energy-consuming and doesn’t reinforce the ‘yummy vibe’. I put the tbsp in water, shake BRIEFLY, and drink the thing. Now if you’re taking Ashwaganda, put it in the water first – so as to take down the gelatin-forming time the Slippery Elm craves. You let that sit first in your cup before you add ANYTHING ELSE – and you’re drinking near silly putty. Bleh! And remember, you ain’t gotta shake nothin’ for very long till it’s mixed. Don’t torture yourself shaking IF2 slowly and meditatively. GIT-R-DONE.
I know that the foulness and grossness of the Unybomber makes me recoil and so I think subconsciously, it impedes me from making my 3/day. Sometimes they’re hard to process body-wise so I ingest more like 2 a day or on a hard day – I take my garlic, cayenne and get in 1/day. I’ve discovered the last week that if I take 3 jars (yes, I have a lot of jars, be nice) and mix 3 death-dealers , then let ‘em sit till I need ‘em, I take all 3. Now, I did have a bit more fun with them a few days ago and wrote on ‘em with Liquid Chalk, ‘anti-bug 1’, ‘anti-bug 2’ and ‘anti-bug 3’. I’m diggin’ the liquid chalk markers on stuff. We all need more comedy in our lives. I’ve also ingested stuff and wished I’d labeled it – so consider it. :D
This next photo is how my bucket is set up. It’s on a wood bookcase that was being thrown out at a natural grocer’s. Get creative – there is a way for you to have a small wood bookcase in your bathroom. You can put a regular enema bucket or a high enema bucket (instructions in next posts) on that wood shelf and never worry about weight or accidentally knocking into it and spilling it. Check craigslist, garage sales and the like and you’ll find a $10-$15 bookcase. It doesn’t matter how beat up it is as long as it’s sturdy. Now you’ve got a place to put your laminated reflexology chart (I saved photos from google, printed them and laminated them for the bathroom), your reflexology tool, your tube lube, favorite enema pillow, reading material, et al. I like castor oil for my tube lube. Please store your oil in glass always; I have mine in a recycled Standard Process bottle as dark glass is what you should store your oils in. I use other larger recycled herb bottles for different oil pulling oils and write on them with a white paint marker (Elmer’s brand make excellent paint markers).
Going the distance: When you’re 5’ away from the bucket, depending on how good your eyesight is, I think it’s nice to put a small votive candle in back of the bucket. I marked on mine 2, 4 and 6 cup marks in easy to read paint marker. My bathroom walls are taupe and it makes it doubly hard to see where my fluid is as the liquid is a similar color. Putting a candle behind it makes it feel more grounded, more comforting and I watch the glow behind the fluid from the floor. One votive lasts many sessions – make sure to get unscented. No one needs to be being toxified while doing a glutathione boosting enema. Furthermore, if you put a space heater on your bum like I do, then crack the bathroom window as well. It’ll keep more air flowing and that’s good for every aspect involved. If you can hear the birds, rain or wind outside – even better. My playlist for the enema is made up of Indian flutes, Spanish guitar and my favorite pieces of classical music. Make your playlist many hours long so you don’t get bored with it. :D
Keep the rubber bands that come from around produce. They’re different sizes so you can get more options on hand exercises. Take the rubber bands and practice pulling your fingers apart, resisting the rubber band. Then put the slightly bigger rubber bands around your finger tips & thumb, just on the finger nail, like an O around your hand and practice pulling all your fingers apart. I do these while doing coffee enemas. I have a few on my desk for when I’m reading – whatever. I have a few in my purse. Effectively, think that you’ve paid for more cleanse toys within the price of your food. Never throw packaging materials out if you can help it.
You are officially more savvy a cleansing engineer now. If you’ll do me the honor of helping out everyone you come across doing these protocols with these tips, I’ll be grateful. Anything that makes it easier for us to work in adjunct protocols into our life is nothing but beneficial. Cheers!
Thank you Miss H for the wonderful tips!...
I tell ya, your bathroom sure has more feng shui than mine! ha.
I have my bucket hanging from the shower curtain bar. I had found a cool big swivel hook at Home Depot & said, hey, this'll be da bomb for my enema bucket. It attaches to the nylon fabric SA Wilsons bucket holder/hanger... A big tall shelf would be nicer though.
Love what you've done with your herbs, honey! Sure wish I had that much space. One of these days... Gives me something to aspire to. Currently i have containers all over my stove top and balanced precariously above the back rim of the stove. My stuff all mixed up with containers of parrot food... I have a bunch of empty jars stacked on the dusty floor surrounding the hot water heater in its closet! You gotta do what ya gotta do.
If i sent ya photos from my place the artist in you would run shrieking.