Molly Bloom
Hello GG -
I just wanted to comment on your post. After years of trying to figure this therapy out...and why it works, I've come up with the following hypothesis:
OP does not leech out toxins. Your mouth is incredibly dirty and bacteria laden (much worse than a dog or cat). OP does seem to attract the bacteria, capture it and then you simply spit it out. If you OP on a daily basis, this helps to minimize the bacteria loading on your system.
There are scientific studies now that prove that the bacterial loading in your oral cavity does affect vital organs. That's why dentists give their patients anti-biotics prior to oral surgery. The huge release of bacteria during these surgeries can cause heart attack.
A while back, on this forum, we had somone with a good microscope spit on a slide using some of the oil they were swishing. Lo and behold there were many
parasites and creepy crawlies just in the beginning stages. So indeed, we do have bugs in our mouth....nice huh?
The aforementioned is the simplest explanation for Oil Pulling and why it seems to work well (especially for people with gum disease), and why it whitens your teeth (tartar and plaque is from the formation of bacteria).
It all makes perfect sense, and you don't need to rely on a hope and testimonials for this's all proven.
Personally I always believed that you absorb the good properties of the oil sublingually while pulling. That's why I always say to use good, cold pressed, organic oils. More than a few have questioned this, but I still stand by my theory.
Good for you. Molly