Thanks for sharing with us Britelite!
I didn't think that you'd reach a state of bad detox than soon into a juice fast. I completely understand about the IF#1 feeling like it was exploding in your stomach. I did the same thing on my first juice fast, took the #1 without taking the #2 and I threw it up and also had horrible stomach pains lol. Uny told me that you need to take the IF #2 at the same time you take the #1 because the charcoal and bentonite will keep it from hurting your stomach and of course she was right! I started taking them both together and I was fine.
I'm glad to hear that on your next juice fast you'll be doing both the IFs because taking the IF#2 while fasting will adsorb the toxins your body releases in your bloodstream and digestive tract, its a very important part of juice fasting as it will help with the detox.
I'm gearing up to do a 30 day fast within the next couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to the benefits both physical and spiritual. I did a 10 day fast and lost 11 pounds but gained about 4 of it back. Just this past weekend I broke a 5 day fast and lost 6 pounds on it. Losing 40 pounds in a year is great!
I'm thinking about getting a rebounder because I believe it really does something other forms of exercise can't.
I think CEs are great when juice fasting too. I found that since I started them my skin feels so soft. Don't know if that is because of the CEs or the juice fast but whichever one did it, I LIKE it lol!
Its great to hear about your experience with the Eyebright and that you've told someone else about it and they are seeing benefits of it too! I had a sty in my right eye that is just about gone now since I've been using the Eyebright. That is some GREAT stuff to be sure!
Great going Britelite! I'm happy for you.
Howdy britelite :)
For basic background on what got me on the road to natural healing you can read my first post on curezone here -
You have certainly dealt with a lot...and quite successfully so far. Good for you!
I have been doing various natural healing protocols for about a year and I am a big fan of Uny, RG and their sites! I've lost around 40 pounds (243 to 200) Hmmm, 40 pounds, that's about 13 cans of "Crisco" (or two huge 20# bags of dog food). KUDOS!! in the past year and words can not express my gratitude for Uny, RG/Humaworm, you all on curezone and the great forums Natural Healing and Humaworm. (I tried to cross post this to Humaworm but couldn't make it work) You're more than welcome...and now I see you're helping others you deserve some gratitude, too! :)
I started this fast on Friday and broke the fast on Friday and I recommend doing a fast! You're in good company! :::wink:::
I wanted to share this so that others that are either doing a fast or want to do a fast can learn and/or maybe get some comfort knowing that even when things seem bad – that - in good time – things end up ok and I highly recommend a fast.
I have wanted to do a juice fast for a long time and finally things aligned and I did it last week. I had set my mental goal on 3, 7 or 10 days. Meaning once I made it to 3 day I would have been happy to stop and I could decide then to keep going to 7 and then to 10 days. That's a great way to start.
I made it to 7 (and a half) days (I ate a tiny bit of food in the middle of the night on the first night because I took IF#1s on an empty stomach and it felt like a bomb exploded inside my GI tract – so I stopped #1’s the rest of the week). I could have done 10 days easy once I made it to day 7 but I decided I wanted to plan for a 30 day juice fast/feast in a few months. A "tiny bit" certainly doesn't break the healing momentum at all (but for some folks, it will trigger a 'desperate need to munch' that's almost impossible to overcome). But with the IF#1 'bomb' you certainly chose wisely.
The bad – the first three days were pretty hard. Ok, they were real hard. I went into a detox cycle. The second night I had all the classic signs of the flu, chills, aches, pain, brain fog, coughing up stuff, my sinuses were running non-stop, just running and running and running. I did some passive sweating in a really hot bath that second night to help get some of this toxic stuff out through my skin and that did help a lot that night. I really felt awful. I woke up on day 3 and it felt like I had gone to New Orleans and drank hurricanes all night and threw up all night. I mean this feeling of a hang over was way up on the worst hang over feelings ever but of course I was not drinking any alcohol just juices. Too many Hurricanes - now THAT would be a hangover (you are SO descriptive! lol). It's almost guaranteed this won't happen (or at least not NEARLY as severely) if you take IF#2 while juice fasting/feasting. The small amounts of bentonite clay and the activated charcoal adsorb toxins that are being released into your bloodstream (always happens when fasting), and it'll adsorb the toxins in your intestinal tract. A quick review of your posts shows you've done 15 days of cleansing action, so that means there's a lot more to be cleansed...and juice-fasting is the PERFECT time to do it (it's also a great time to parasite cleanse deeply by adding the ground/dry herbs to 3 of the 5 doses of the IF#2). With all due respect to Humaworm, that gets overlooked (the fact that critters burrow deeply into the mucoid plaque and diverticuli to get away from the incoming parasite herbs) - mixing the herbs with a substance like IF#2 means the herbs will be driven deeply into their hiding places and 'hit 'em wear it hurts'. But I ramble (typical me)...
My last 30 day juice fast I did my typical IF#2 and on day 17 I decided I want to do some serious CE/liver work and I didn't want to deal with the IF#2/fiber, so I stopped. The next day my emotions were like a cross between a rabid dog, a broken-hearted teenage girl and an army drill sargeant! I had no IDEA what was happening, but kept feeling like I needed to brush my teeth. It was then I noticed my tongue was TOTALLY white (like marshmallow), and I realized just how effective the IF#2 had been. You can betcha, I won't make that mistake again!
During this time things would happen like a cough or sneeze or something and I would ‘remember’ that exact same feeling (Déjà Vu like) that had happened years ago when I had been sick. It was like muscle memory or body memory or something it was like re-experiencing the sick times and things came roaring back. I could not tell if it was energetic or toxic or physical cell memory recall but was a wild memory experience. They say cleansing is like peeling off layers of an onion...what you're reporting seems to be the rule, rather than the exception.
By Monday I was feeling a bit better – I looked white and pale and my eyes were puffy and yucky. I started having cravings for solid food – watching TV programs with my 3 year old son a cartoon show with a biscuit and jelly gave me fantasies of a buttered biscuit. I felt like I had run in a 10K pretty darn wiped out and in a brain fog and shaky. Those commercials are downright EVIL when juice fasting (especially the first couple of times)! I still have those fantasies for a couple of days sometimes (and crazily, they're usually about things I haven't eaten in YEARS). I can just tell my brain: "shut up, we are NOT eating!" now, but until that is mastered the best thing is "more juice!" (and/or potassium broth). The first few times I juice fasted I didn't think the broth would make any difference. I was totally wrong. And it doesn't have to be "recipe perfect" There's no way I can afford that many organic potatoes to peel, and our local organic market doesn't sell beets or carrots with 'tops', so I do my best and throw in lots of 'deep green leafy' greens. For folks in 'major healing mode' it's important to stick as closely as possible to the recipe, though.
By Tuesday I was starting to get my legs back and was not as weak kneed. My wife said I still looked weak in the face. I was counting the hours until the 7 days would be over and was getting tired of my juicer (Champion). I know that feeling for sure.
By Wednesday I actually had a little color back and was feeling pretty good all around. I started to feel ‘light’ and ‘bouncy’ in a good way. Sort of had extra spring in my step. On Thursday I was real good and had this feeling of feeling good like when I was a little child and nothing much seemed to matter and it was all fun and games and ‘bouncy’. I would bound up the stairs or across the yard and just felt GOOD. I never really got my color in my face back but I did feel GOOD. I was never really hungry and actually had to remember to drink more juice because I didn’t seem to need food much. Yep, that's the way it goes - it's just amazing how beautifully our body to responds to high amounts of 'easy to assimilate' fresh nutrition :) I had serious thoughts about Breatharianism and if that was even possible because I was just not hungry. I was also thinking about what a water fast might feel like? I think I was still detoxing but at a much lower level as I never really looked ‘in the pink’. My intestines gurgled and make some of the loudest and oddest noises during this week.
After 7 days I could have easily gone to 10 days or 30 days as far as how I felt but due to some scheduling stuff it just made sense to stop on Friday and plan better for a full month attempt later this year. 'Sounds like a great plan!
Things I did that made the detox better:
1. I did my rebounder to move the lymph and get the blood moving
2. I did the passive sweating in a hot bath with the heater on in the room.
3. I did CE’s every day except one and those helped a bunch
4. I did a liver caster oil pack and would keep some caster oil on my liver
5. When the sun was out I would get outside and get some direct sunlight
6. Tried to drink lots of water and also had sort of a ‘potassium’ broth drink
All of the above are wonderful "accessories" - add the IF#2 in there and you can join the teaching faculty. Add hot/cold showers, and you'll get a bonus :)
All in all – it was a powerful experience and I look forward to the next one. Fantastic! I was amazed at how long the detox lasted given that for nearly a year I have been working hard to get my body ‘clean’ (colon cleanses, parasite removal, CE’s, pure water, juices, raw food, minimal proceeded food and meat) and well nourished. I did not expect that flu like experience and that constantly runny nose. I have had many sinus infections over the past 20 years and I guess the old toxins just came pouring out, not sure but it was different. You know, this planet is just SO toxic (far more than we can even imagine) and for decades our body has been overwhelmed with FAR more than it can process and eliminate. All that can't be eliminated goes into our fat, muscles, ligaments and other soft tissue, and when our body has that 60+% energy that it usually uses separating nutrients from fiber to assimilate them (basically just making poop) AND it gets the super-ultra nutrition in the juices, the body starts releasing that build-up. I strongly believe we should all do a week of maintenance cleansing 4x yearly.
With the fast/feast I am going to do a colon cleanse at the same time. This time I had done a colon cleanse the week before but probably should have just keep that going the entire fast as I know it would have helped with the detox. Well duh me, that's what I get for not reading your whole post before I started typing. Good for you - it will make a world of positive difference!
I am getting ready to do some kidney work next as I feel I worked those kidneys way hard during the fast. YAY! The kidneys are HIGHLY overlooked (they do so many tasks we don't keep our electrolytes balanced!)
I also have been doing the Eye Bright eye wash and getting big improvements! I have a friend who has macular degeneration and I introduced her to the eye wash and she also says her eyes are actually improving for the first time in her life! Wow, that's absolutely wonderful. Echinacea is my favorite herb/tincture, but the Eyebright is almost about to take over. I've never known it not to work yet.
Finally I am a big fan of the tooth powder – used it now for 4 weeks and my gums are so happy! My wife just started using the powder as her gums are in bad shape and I am sure it will do the trick for her too! You're just a big ole beacon of inspirational news and awesome healing goodness. Thank you SO much for taking the time to share!!
Blessing and Light, rightbackatcha! Uny