Couldn't open the link but I found it in googles cache:
Membrane Assisted Defluoridation Process for Safe Drinking Water
INDIAN TECNOLOGY FOR DEFLUORIDATION;1.NALAGONDA TECHNIQUE;This technique first developed in india in 1975,is the most simplest,least expensive and easiest to operate of all the other methods of defluoridation . The first community plant for the removal of fluoride from the drinking water was constructed in the district of Nalagonda in Andhra Pradesh ,in the town of Kathri,thus the name of the tecnology.
PROCEDURE;Raw water is mixed with adequate lime and alum. The amount of lime depends on the alkalinity of the raw water. Alum solution is added after the addition of lime, stirred gently for 10 minutes and the flocs formed are allowed to settle. The floc formation and setting requires an houre.
Advantages of Nalagonda technology 1.This method can be used both at domestic and community level 2.Operations are possible manually. 3.It is cost effictive . 4.Designs are flexible to use at different location. 5.Defluoridation meets with the standard laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standard.
COMBINED NALAGONDA AND CALCINED MAGNESITE TECHNIQUE;This technique was introduced in Tanzania in 1985. In this plant Nalagonda technique was passed through a filter bed consisting of calcined magnesite granules. Fluoride was absorbed by the calcined magnesite granules thus further reducing the fluoride concentration in water. There was a rise in pH over 10.0 and the treated water needed adjustment befor drinking . This method was found to be impractical for rural regions
PRASANTI TECNOLOGY;In Indian villages this method of utilizing Activated Alumina is found to be most popular and cost effective material for defluoridation.
OTHER METHODS OF DEFLUORIDATION 1.FISH BONE CHARCOLE Researches of the univesity of Roorkee suggested practical application of fish bone charcole as a method of defluoridation. 2.DRUMSTICK PLANT (MORINGA CLEIFERA) It reduces the water turbidity and has excellent coagulating and clarifying properties, Defluoridation properties is mainly due to calcium and magnesium levels in the plant.
ASKALI- extract mycetial biomass Researches of osmania University ,Hyderabad demonstrated the ability of this material from Aspergillus riger to bind fluoride from fluoride containing water. TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE It produce a complex chemical reaction in the process of defluoridation.
Do you have any suggestions for treating bath water, Grz?