Everyone and everything is Cocreating with us. 100% of the time. This 3rd dimensional life is ALL Illusion, every single bit of it.
We can never see anything that is outside of us, which means that everything we see and experience (judged as good or bad, right or wrong) is the perfect reflective mirror of who/where we are in this moment and what is required for processing so that we can move on.
Every event, every person comes in service.
Take a look at Hitler ... how do you feel when you think about him? What fears and judgements come up? How is he serving you?
If you are a vegan and you think about eating meat or those that kill animals ... How does that make you feel? What fears and judgements come up? How is this serving you?
The judgements that we experience are our personal codes (from this and other lifetimes and time lines), brought up to conscious awareness, ready to be looked at.
The codes are our beliefs and stories that we use to define life.
Until we reach the place of unconditional love and acceptance = neutrality, these codes remain as our Shadows.
The Shadow describes the part of our psyche that we would rather not acknowledge. It contains the denied parts of the self. Since the self contains these aspects, they will always surface in one way or another - sometimes reflected back to us in our bodily ailments and/or reflected back to us through other people or events that we judge to be wrong/bad.
The truth that will set you free is that EVERY judgement is a Self judgement.
The greatest gift comes from integrating your shadow parts as components of your Self.
In you, I see me. In me, you see you. Always.
When you can fully embrace yourself as a cocreator with Hitler, the animal slayer, the peodophile, the rapist etc. it is impossible to experience true Peace on Earth.
Until then, the war continues: a mind at war with its Self.
From reading many of your posts, I understand why you might disagree. And that is fine to hold onto any beliefs if they feel true for you. It is not for me to convince one way or the other, only to speak my truth.
One thing I came to realise was that my mind will always seek to prove itself right.
My post was written from my heart, not my mind.
I would think that wanting to preserve all life is more of a heart expression.
That assumes that there is such a thing as death :-)
Direct experience tells me there is no such thing as death, but only a movement and change of focus in our energy. And energy is eternal. It preserves itself.
Siding with anyone is what creates separation.
I love animals. I also buy dead animals to feed to my dogs. And I am in complete alignment with that.
Is a carrot less than a sheep? Why so? Because it has no eyes?
Pain is a mind at war with reality.
Getting back to the topic of this thread. Since your response to the information I posted brings up some judgements, then this is just your code. Codes are fine when lived out peacefully, but to suggest others should also live from the same code is war :-)
Are you saying that sharing common beliefs is separation?
"Sharing" common beliefs is deluding oneself and others. I don't consider participating in a campaign of spreading a lie around as a sharing. It most definitely is helping to set a standard whereby to judge others. This is nothing more than helping to spread a feeling of separation.
Sustaining an ideal for others to look up to is, at the same time, creating a bottomless pit for others to be labeled and tossed into when they don't meet the grade of the image you are helping to falsify and maintain.
For example you are helping to uphold the mythology surrounding Mahatma Gandhi. Putting such people on a pedestal, making some sort of super being out of them, is helping only to spread a belief mired in separation. Mahatma Ghandi is no god, by any means, but the picture you are helping to perpetuate is helping to delude others and to draw them into the mud of comparison. Comparing oneself to some perfect person is a dis-ease. Such is the herd mentality. As if you are an agent for self-defeatism. It is encouraging others to adopt a non acceptance attitude for themselves. Because the non acceptance of oneself can only lead to non acceptance of others.
This leads, first, to a division within oneself, to a subtle self condemnation, then separtion from others, to condemnation of others, then more conflict. And hence results in the world as it exists today. Drop the notion that anyone outside yourself is who you should compare yourself to. Everyone is unique and as ordinary as anybody else. Drop the ideals. Drop beliefs and be at peace with yourself. And then you have something to really share. Instead of propounding a false ideal, ideology, or 'common' belief... and then labeling it a 'sharing' which it is not.