Her eyes must be watering too much to post her experience right at the moment lolololololol!
I wanna see the video too.
Good for you Missy.
Okay now maybe i'm gonna order some of this stuff. Maybe it will help w/ my chronic congestion & constant drip.
The idea of snorting a line of snuff seems rather exotic, too... (or maybe i just need to get a life.)
Wow, that IS sad, Missy. I know what it's like to have a talent that's snuffed short for whatever reason. Mine was musical instruments... My depression started as a teen after a traumatic event in my life, and I quit playing. It's a painful subject.
But I strongly believe there's a purpose for everything in our lives -- both the good and the bad. I'll bet you're a wonderful artist! ... That said, I hope you're singing again soon.
Whatever form your art takes, I'm sure you create a lot of joy for others, MissyH. You certainly do here!
Won't you just be shouting for joy when you can sing again with no problems, or maybe that will be "singing for joy" lol.
Then you'll be an artist, and a fantastic one at that (saw a picture you posted on your forum) and a singer too.
You are a rock star or better yet a Soul Star!
Way to go Miss H. I knew you could do it!
Still waiting for the video lol.
This video is from Dr. Schulze Healing Crusade part 8 about the Herbal Snuff. He actually passes it out to every audience member and they all snort it lol. Pretty quickly the room erupts in loud noises lolololol. Everyone needs to watch this to see just what Miss H went through when she did her snorting and the great benefits that are attained by being brave enough to snort!
Dr. Schulze starts talking about the Herbal Snuff @ 20:49
Actual snuffing of audience starts @28:58
Testimonies start @ 37:13
All of the @ numbers are the time on the video just in case you don't know what they mean. Direct link to video on Google video: tinyurl.com/y8ax2rx
This is a must watch folks, really. This Herbal Snuff is amazing and watching the people snort is so funny, but the testimonies are fabulous. Be sure and watch until the end because he tells a horse story that had me cracking up. I'm thinking this should be a MUST have on hand whether or not you have a sinus infection. I'm actually thinking this would clear up a horrible headache, it would have to if it was a sinus headache and maybe even if it wasn't a sinus headache.
Anyway, enjoy. I think we might ought to have a virtual snuffing party one night lololololol!