I'm glad I was able to bring joy to your day! Actually, laughter is quite healthy.
Do you actually believe the FDA is responsible for the individual creativity of the scientist (person) who discovered vaccines or maybe the one, yes, that is the ONE and ONLY CURE for ANY DISEASE in the entire history of modern pharma...you used in your example above, bravo! Maybe the discovery made by the ignorant miner with the silly hat? My we have become such a prejudiced society.
Do some research, old, very old patent searches and you'll find the information you're looking for. I did and as the holder of 36 US and International patents myself, I found that your friends "Big Pharma" and the FDA have been aware of the numerous intellectual property that was filed on the use of and studies of human ingestion of Chlorine Dioxide and its ability to safely eradicate disease...well, for 60 years now?
Sure surprised the hell out of me!
Raised some serious questions, actually confirmed my suspicion regarding US corporate lobbies, their leverage, the corrupt FDA and big Pharma involvement in the successful effort to propagate markets and leverage personal profit on the suffering of the human species...you and me!
Remember, vaccines do not cure disease, they temporarily eradicate a pathogen from the population (and any reintroduction would be catastrophic because there is no cure for the disease). With regard to the poor bastards that were already afflicted from a disease like the ones you mentioned...unfortunately, those folks are dead.
You claim creativity is heir to the actions of the government FDA, International Heath organizations, the AMA and so on. I say you are wrong and I recognize individual creativity and I can prove the success of disease treatment without the FDA. Look at what the Chinese and other have been able to do with natural "CHEMICALS" (drugs are all chemicals just like CL02)and the cure rate success of those naturally created drugs which were uses for tens of thousands of years.
Thanks to the 20,000 year old Chinese analog to the FDA called human creativity, the Chinese have thrived without the FDA and the AMA, to become the largest surviving population on the planet.
At the same time, here in the US...we have a higher incidence of disease and human suffering for any modern society and we claim to be the leaders in health awareness and medical intervention?