Hi Lorraine...
I wish I could be more help. I'm just not feeling very plugged in these days, unfortunately - and Relationship astrology isn't my strong point.
Your relationship with this guy seems difficult by the looks of your chart. It has an exciting unpredictable energy to it (that even if you think you don't want do actually seek it out)...but it also has a heavy Saturnian influence too. Like the two of you were lovers in a past life that was pretty difficult - you both need to heal the other for things done in the past. You both have Saturn conjunct the other's Venus...very karmic and it's not all lightness! It can feel quite restricting. Strange - the feeling I'm getting is all exciting, unpredictable, spontaneous on the outside but heavy and restricting on the inside.
I guess I can never reeeally see into Relationships because they're just sooo complex - what's affecting her? who is she? What's affecting him? Who is he? What's affecting THEM as a couple? eiy eiy eiy. I don't know if the next few months are going to be rough or not (a better astrologer might!)...the only transit that I see that is challenging for you is, well, Saturn transiting through the 12th house (karmic house) and squaring (challenging) the Emotional Relationship (moon in Libra) and where your soul wants to go (north node) in this lifetime.
hmmm....sounds like this is all about you (of course!)...and your relationship with this man is happening just exactly as it should. Sounds like you need to clear up some karma with him and move towars a totally stable relationship that supports you emotionally and is based on Sharing and Coupledom....this is where your soul wants to go! It is comfortable in this more independent Individual place...but you need to go towards this good harmonious relationship (I don't feel this relationship is harmonious for you and that's what you need). But you're also going to have to integrate that desire for newness and originality and spontaneousness that you have....with your Self within Relationships - that is the key! Really, your whole chart is about finding a balance within a Relationship. Because you have this Inner wild woman (soooo original!) you will attract men to you that aren't into something totally stable. So your task is to integrate the Independence/Dependence SuperFreedom/Lovingness within yourself...
hmmm...You've just started a new phase of Action and Energy with Mars in your first house whatever is up it looks like you will totally be able to handle's a pretty strong transit. Just remember to keep your cool and don't lose your head.
Wish I could reeeally help Lorraine!
love Tracey
**Padders has some good astrology-relationship maybe she will be able to add something!**