Hi curezoneone,
Your comment: Whatever Moreless. Continue to hurt people that are already down. But just as you always preach to people about the consequences people have to face for their personal choices, know that the same applies to you.
The way you treat people that come on here is very wrong by biblical standards, and lots of people try to confront you about it because quite frankly, I think many are appalled by it. You want to make excuses for your actions just like you always say everyone else does for their actions.
The whole judgemental thing gets very tricky. Is it okay to notice what people are doing wrong? We can't help but do that. Is it okay to confront people when they are doing wrong? The bible says not only is it okay, but we should. But it does say also to go to that person in love. I have not been so loving in my confrontation to you, and I have been wrong in that. Seeing hurting people grasping for hope and then being treated badly is something that really angers me. Maybe it's because I have been that hurting person many times myself, and have had someone treat me the way you treated this guy, and so I know what this feels like and it's horrible. Maybe you don't know what that feels like. Maybe you've never had that happen to you.
The thing is Moreless, I think you know that it is not right how you treat people sometimes. I have seen you admit it in more humbler moments. But you still end up repeating your behavior. I understand this is a struggle you have. But how is this any different than what you constantly say of other people, that they keep repeating their bad behaviors, and don't want to take personal responsibility for their actions, only make excuses?
By curezone standards, you have a right to run this forum the way you want to, to a certain extent. But by biblical standards, you don't have a right to treat people badly just when you decide they deserve it.
Answer: It is all in Perception of how one wants to look at my replies !
If one is a Negative thinking person, then they may look at my reply as you seem to?
If the person has any Positive thinking left in them , then they may consider my answer and take a look into their mirror and ask themself what they are willing to do to help themself, besides Complain?
I am Sorry you are having such a Hard time with my style of posting, but may I remind your Quote from the other post: "Like I said I come on here because there is some good information that I would like to learn. I like to read people's testimonies, and learn about the different things discussed here."
Question I have for you: Please show me where you have made the 1st Supportive post prior to Judging my style of posting?
Isn't it a bit odd that while you Claim what I should do according to your Interpitation of the Bible, that you yourself may Fall short?
What about Giving Support vs Getting selfishly for yourself and not being Supportive at --ALL--?
Where is the Proof you have been Supportive of these ideas shared freely on this forum, but --NO-- you just want to Get the info and help for yourself?
This is what it looks like to me?
Prove me otherwise !
Talk is Cheap, but it takes Money to buy whiskey !
Put your religious belief's where your mouth is !
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.