No amount of excercise can help your bite to be in a healthy position without permanent structural change. The people who posted about the TMJ help program should have just been honest and said "hey, I have a new book that might help" instead of planting questions and responses.
Do the TMJ/Postural excersises available in the book or through any chiropractor for a while so you can get your jaw to a state of relaxation and then go to a dentist and have him build up teeth with bonding to make this bite a permanent bite and not just one you are able to achieve with relaxation techniques or other excercizes. Not many dentists will do this for you, you have to have one who is exceptionally kind and willing because it is an art and not many of them are able to do it. This can also be achieved with a tmj splint and then permanent reconstruction.
I can get my pain to go away with excercizes and stretching but the second I close my teeth together with my misaligned bite that is too clenched due to my vertical height of my teeth being grinded away by years of night grinding from the mercury toxicity, I am back to square one. I am almost done wiht my chiropractic dentistry therapy of using a splint and am almost ready for the bonding to make the healthy bite permanent.