Dan, since before Christmas I have had the sort of pain you describe, as well as pain that moves around the entire colon area. It started after I did my first CoQ10 dose. I then went on to start the
Wormwood combo, but only lasted 2 weeks on that. I also started the b&p during that time, all in the hope of getting rid of the pain. I did get some relief from the pain for about 2 weeks, although I can't remember which treatment this was associated with. Then the pain came back. Still moving around.
I did the second and third CoQ10 doses at the appropriate intervals and did get out a mass of tiny white wormy things. I did attempt a second period on the
Wormwood combo, still hoping to get rid of the pain, but only lasted about 10 days. At some point I did pass a bunch of transparent, pale, flat, noodle-like things about 3mm wide. I have also done two or three
Liver Cleanses in the last few months.
I went to the doctor to complain about pain and discomfort and what seemed like increased
food sensitivities (intermittent diarrhea). I was offered a colonoscopy if I felt so inclined (I didn't), but apart from that the doctor felt that my bowel problems were due to stress and suggested Paxil.
The best result I have had is after my last liver cleanse (number 12). The first thing I did the next day was take double the recommended dose of probiotics in the morning and the same again at night. I have repeated this for the last few days and have been (almost) pain free, there's been a big improvement anyway, particularly on the left side. I am hoping this is the answer for me - that maybe my gut flora has been disrupted by the
Liver Flushes (I did take probiotics, but maybe not enough.)
Have you been doing any liver flushes?