The following is from "
The Cure For All Diseases " by Dr. Clark. This is some of what she has found out about heartworms in people. BUY THE BOOK AND READ IT to get more information.
Page 32 --Worms usually have preferred locations. The favorite organ for Dirofilaria (dog heartworm) is the heart (even human heart). Sometimes the rules can be broken. My tests show Dirofilaria can live in other organs, too, if they are sufficiently polluted with solvents, metals and other toxins.
Page 138 -- She had dog heartworm in her lungs(!), in addition to her heart where she sometimes felt pain.
Page 140 -- In cases of chronic little hacky coughs it may be heartworm!
Page 146 -- Heart Pain
Pain over the heart region is usually quite real, even though an EKG does not find any abnormality. The most common cause is Dirofilaria, heartworm of dogs. It often begins as a pain just above the heart but spreads itself over the whole heart region. Kill it with your zapper.
parasite herbs can also be effective. If you did kill them, the pain often intensifies for a day before it leaves. Then the pain should be completely gone.
Page 147 -- Heartworm is very easy to pick up again. If you have had heartworm, you should no longer keep a dog for a pet. Give it away.
Page 291-- Many common bacteria, especially Staphylococcus aureus, choose the heart as their favorite location. Their nesting place, though, will be under a missing tooth in the jaw (cavitation). Heartworm and Loa loa are two very common heart parasites. You can have all these killed in a day, without side effects and your heart is once more free to beat regularly. Don't take a chance on over-medicating. As soon as the beat is regular and under 100 per minute, reduce your heart drugs. Stop them when you are regular and under 80. Fatigue will leave and the brain will work better.
Page 318 -- Heart Disease
When the heart is enlarged, the valves don't quite close where they should, making the work harder for it and weaken-ing it. It may be called “congestive heart failure.” Why is it en-larged? Possibly because it is so weak! Yes, it becomes a vicious cycle, getting worse and worse. But you can break into this cycle and get it all reversed again. The real culprit is para-site invaders and toxic pollutants.
The most common
parasite heart invaders are Dirofilaria, heartworm “of dogs” and Loa loa, another small filaria worm. At one stage these worms are so tiny that they can slide through the smallest blood vessels. They are very contagious. Even per-sons who don't live with a house dog can pick up heartworm.
Page 319 -- Killing these three invaders (heartworm, Loa loa, Staphylo-coccus aureus) should cure an irregular heart beat immediately (within a day).