3 ultra sounds, and a Cat Scan didn't show the stones (and parasites) that were plugging up my liver. The Hida Scan prior to gallbladder surgery--(if I knew then what I know now) showed my gallbladder only functioning at 5% capacity. There were no stones in the gallbladder when it was removed---bile wasn't getting into the gallbladder because the liver was plugged up.
The liver problems continued after the gallbladder was removed :(
$30,000 later...I knew I had to do something for myself, no amount of testing was going to find the cause of liver damage going on. (chronic elevated liver enzymes)
Liver Flushing and seeing the one
inch stones determined right away that I was right...no amount of testing would have discovered what was really going on--
Liver Flushing and then also killing
parasites and seeing the flukes in the toilet (and plenty of other parasites) told the story loud and clear.
When I started, 14 months ago..I couldn't ride in a vehicle from my liver hurting so badly, and from it feeling like it was going to burst. No wonder.
I'll tell you from my own experience-- as scary as a
Liver Flush may sound, if you don't get started doing them, you very likely could end up with no gallbladder (unnecessarily) and lots of money spent, only to discover the problem wasn't
fixed" and the problem, still, is the liver.
I've had better luck with using the Coke flush, and have had no problems with nausea/vomitting with it--which I did get with the 2
Hulda Clark flushes, but they were also done before I started killing the flukes that I hadn't known were plugging up my liver too.
The accuracy of "comprehensive stool tests" for
parasites in the liver? I wouldn't believe them. Doing at least one round of a good quality dewormer, along with liver flushing--if you don't see anything--that would be "the" test.